Word has come in that Robert Guth of the Art-Is-An Bread art project has broadened his culinary horizons!
He has a new interest in sausages: giant sausages, in fact Doner kebabs weighing up to 30kg, made from kangaroo.
As can be seen from the photo he still has a way to go to full size.
He refers to the one in the photo as a “Technical prototype for artwork discussing cultural migration using the medium of iconic cuisine.”
And that it “Tastes damn good”.
One of the things stopping him from moving up to a full scale Doner (and therefore inviting RiotAct to a cook up) is a lack of binding chemistry.
Robert is looking for a local source of Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (food additive number 450). Failing that he would like knowledge on the difference between that and Potassium tripolyphosphate (number 451). He reckons that without it there is a risk of a meat-alanche during cooking.