Simon Corbell is letting us know that the bulky waste collection trial has kicked off:
“Eligible residents who hold a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card, ACTION Gold Concession Card or Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card will have access to the service,” Mr Corbell said.
“Canberra boasts the best household recycling rates in the country with around 70% of domestic waste recycled. We want to build on this record and this is one area where we know we can help even further.
Tiny’s Green Shed will run the first time bulky waste collection service where eligible households will be entitled to one free collection during the trial period.
The rest of the community will incur a fee based on the condition and ability to reuse the waste items.
Mr Corbell said items that will be accepted during the trial include household furniture and appliances, mattresses, garden tools and equipment, timber, white goods/sinks/baths, building materials and metal products/scrap metal. A number of exclusions apply.
“Items that will not be accepted include garden waste, food waste, sheet glass, mirrors, household chemicals or hazardous waste, building waste,” Mr Corbell said.
“Community feedback would be sought during the trial so that an evaluation report could be prepared to enable the Government to consider whether to offer a permanent bulky waste collection service.”
To make a booking check out Tiny’s website or call 6162 5176.
But perhaps more exciting is the return of the Grim Ginninderran to the masthead of the Chief Minister’s website!