Over the past year or so the reserve that runs through the middle of Waramanga near where I live has had a road worn across it which now runs pretty much the entire length of the reserve. At first it was from tradesman parking outside 4 Gabi place to do work there, however now anytime a tradesman wants to access a house backing onto the reserves they park in the reserve itself. Also the playground has recently been replaced so quite a few trucks have been driving around that area, as you can see from the pictures there are now signs warning of truck activity.
What I don’t understand is why these trucks can’t simply park in the cul-de-sacs nearby, the one at Gabi Place is only a few meters away (although now there appears to be an ad-hoc driveway worn into the reserve there). There is quite enough room in the cul-de-sacs and they are hardly busy traffic spots anyway. As you can also see the barriers that were meant to prevent vehicle access at the western end have also been destroyed. There is also quite a lot of sand piling up on the pedestrian path, keep in mind that where this road runs used to be completely grass and even in the patchy areas there is still evidence of tyre-tracks.
Of course I have already reported all this on the government’s new website.
You can even see the road from space:
Here’s a video following the road and I apologize from the nausea-inducing camera-work.