In the debate yesterday on rises to parking fees around town (ostensibly, at least in part, to make buses more attractive) Dommie raised an interesting point that this non-bus user had missed:
- #31 posted by dommie
22:38, 1 Jul 2009
Bus Fares went up 80c in one day!! I don’t get to watch the news very often and usually don’t pay much attention to the local stuff on tv. When I called the wonderful people on the ACTION helpdesk to enquire how this fare rise had been advertised there was no mention of any written print ads or posters. This was a complete surprise to me … yeah maybe I should get my head out of the sand but … when you stumble out of the house at 7.15am with three kids in tow with your cash in hand (and your paying daughters in hers), the last thing you want the bus driver to do is to look at you and say “your $1.20 short love, fares went up”. Communication in Government is abysmal at the best of times because they’re scared of wasting taxpayers money on advertising that won’t be appreciated. But this is something that affects many of the most vulnerable .. how many people were turned away from buses today because they didn’t have the right money?
Come on ACTION communicate with your clientele.
So a hefty hike in the fares. Were bus users aware it was coming? One would think signs would have been up on buses a month in advance?