7 May 2018

The Third Wheel: Making Dating Fun Again

| Nina Gbor
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The Third Wheel: It’s like having a good friend introduce you to the love of your life.

The Third Wheel, a bespoke dating service to help people safely and comfortably get back into the dating scene, was created by Aerin Gordon Heinrich. Aerin is someone who definitely knows a thing or two about how to build relationships! After an extensive career working for a Senator, a Dame, a Chief Scientist and an Archbishop, Aerin is the expert to go to if you’re looking to meet new people.

This month The Third Wheel is celebrating men by offering a $50 gift voucher to Hippo Bar to the first ten men to join in May.

So, not only do you have all of the hard work done for you but you can celebrate your new free time with drinks at Hippo Bar.

Learn more about The Third Wheel here.

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