[First filed: Jul 22, 2010 @ 9:39
Second filing: Jul 23, 2010 @ 12:20]
UPDATE: It seems this is definitely on! DING DING, Round Two!
#43 Skidbladnir
14:25, 10 Aug 10The event is still on
At the bottom is this:
For those who are unable to join us on Mt. Ainslie in Canberra this Saturday 14th August, there will be a special prayer meeting for the federal election at the CTFM base in Melbourne (Hallam)
Jason Golden

Although the actual page seems to have now been removed from the Catch the Fire Ministries website, a Google search still shows that they plan another assualt on prayer meeting at Mount Ainslie on 14 August 2010.
[Catch The Fire text from the Google Cache below]
From reading their site it seems this meeting is to try and get rid of our athiest PM Ms Gillard. Their site claims that one of the biggest successes of their last Mt Ainslie adventure in October last year was the removal of Mr Turnbull as leader of the opposition not long after.
So, people are you willing to make the Catch the Fire Ministries welcome once again? I sure am!
[ED – For those who missed it the First Battle of Mt Ainslie was quite the show]
Cached text:
National Prayer Assault from Mount Ainslie in Canberra and other High Places across Australia on 14th August / By Pr Daniel
Published by Office 2 July 21st, 2010 in A Call To Action, Australia, Bible, Christian Church Issues, Courage, Elections, Politics, Prayer, Rise Up Australia, World NewsDear family & friends in Christ,
First let me take this opportunity to thank you for the overwhelming number of responses we have received to our emails over the last few weeks.
Thank you for taking the time to write. It has encouraged us greatly to keep doing what we are doing for the King of kings and the Lord of lords to rise up our nation of Australia to fulfil her prophetic destiny as the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit!
I thank the Lord for the many prayer movements and networks that have called our nation to prayer and fasting heading up to the Federal Election. It is wonderful to have so much prayer going up to our Heavenly Father for the Federal Election. I am sure we all know what is at stake if the enemy is allowed to put un-godly people into Federal Parliament.
Catch The Fire Ministries is calling upon every Christian across Australia and the Nations to please pray urgently for our Federal Election to be held on 21st August 2010. Please join together with us and the wider Body of Christ on a spiritual warfare assignment of 3 days of fasting & prayer from Thursday 19th to Saturday 21st August.
On 14th August we would love to see you join us on Mount Ainslie in Canberra once again from 10am to 12noon to stand in unity with the Body of Christ in the power of the Spirit of God to pull down the strongholds of the enemy over our Nation and Federal Parliament. If you cannot be there please gather a few friends or family members and go to a high place in your area and pray for the election. Please encourage your Pastor to promote this National Day of Prayer on Mt Ainslie in Canberra and other high places around Australia on 14th August and also the 3 days of fasting & prayer heading up to the election. Also encourage the congregation to Pray and Act wisely in how they vote in this election, as the decisions we make today will definitely determine our destiny.
Let us VOTE for Godly leaders who will continue to protect our Judeo-Christian heritage so that our Sons & Daughters will enjoy the freedoms we value so much in our nation.
Following are some very important prayer points.
1) Pray for a Prime Minister to be elected who will Honour God.
2) Pray for many Christians to be elected into Parliament from all political parties.
3) Pray for un-godly leaders to be removed from Government.
4) Pray for deception to be exposed.
5) Pray for the media to report the truth.
6) Pray for Christian leaders to be bold in encouraging their congregation to vote for those with Christian Moral values.
7) Pray for the protection of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
8 ) Pray that there will be no vote fraud.
9) Pray for righteousness to exalt the nation.
10) Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead people in whom to vote for.Looking forward to seeing you on Mount Ainslie in Canberra from 10am to 12noon on Saturday 14th August!
May God bless you mightily in your faithful service to Him!
Your brother in Christ,
Pastor Daniel Nalliah