Back in the last days of the old site we re-visited the love-lorn leafletter looking for long ago lust.
As there was an e-mail address on the leaflet I thought I’d email it and ask our protagonist if he’d like to set the record straight given all the nasty theories about him.
Your flier has reached Urban Myth status in Canberra,
Any chance you want to put the record straight?
At RiotACT we’d love to give your side of the story a run
RiotACT Editor.
Well to my joy I got back a reply a couple of days ago. But it’s on the strange side. certainly terse…
Subject: Re: greetings to an urban legend
From: john Tom
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 03:53:27 -0800 (PST)
To: johnboy@the-riotact.comwhy would anyone really care – i hardly think it would make a good story. Might even get you fired!
So I just wanted to say to john Tom or mavtoc7, we do care, we really do care. But if I lose my job tommorrow I’ll know who to thank.