It was good to see a great turnout for the TCC Annual General Meeting on 2 September. It was even better to see members reaffirm confidence in the TCC leadership by voting them back into office for a second term. There are also two new faces on the team.
Eric Traise was re-elected unopposed as President along with Vice President, Glenys Patulny. Wayne King was elected Second Vice President, Tom Cheesman will continue as Minute Secretary and takes on the added responsibility as general Secretary. Max Flint was re-elected Treasurer and Ross McConnell was elected as a general committee members. Beverley Flint was appointed Public Officer. Thanks to Communities@Work CEO, Lynne Harwood for acting as Returning Officer on the night. She congratulated the 2014-15 Council Executive and wished members the best for their forthcoming term in office.
Prior to the AGM Council members were addressed by ACT Opposition Transport Spokesman, Alistair Coe on the costs to ACT taxpayers of the light rail project. We also heard from SolarShare about plans for a community based solar farm in Tuggeranong.