A 26-year-old Braddon man has been caught driving using two mobile phones while using his knees to steer.
About 11.10am on Wednesday, August 24, a Traffic Operations member saw the man driving along Ginninderra Drive, near Bruce, holding two mobile phones and using his knees to steer the car.
When the police officer stopped him, the man said he was putting his wife’s phone number from one phone into the other.
The man was issued with a $271 fine and the loss of three demerit points.
Acting Officer-in-Charge of Traffic Operations, Sergeant Jason Kennedy, said that using one mobile phone while driving is bad enough, add another phone and then driving with your knees is a recipe for disaster.
“We put out these media releases to inform the public of what some motorists are doing on our roads which is a risk to other road users,” Sergeant Kennedy said.
ACT Policing has issued 276 Traffic Infringement Notices to motorists for using a mobile phone while driving in the past month (August 1 to 31) as part of its ongoing traffic campaign.
Police will continue to target mobile phones for the month of September.
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