UNSPEAKABLE – Louder than words
1 – 4 August at 7pm, 4 August at 2pm
Full $22 Family 4 for $60
$18 Concession, Groups
$15 Members of The Australian Choreographic Centre, Ausdance, U27, Child/ClubT
Canberra Ticketing 02 6275 2700 • 1800 802 025 (Interstate free call)
Ticket prices available in person at venue. Additional phone, online and postage charges may apply.
Book online: Canberra Ticketing
Fresh from their successful tour to Adelaide, Canberra’s Quantum Leap youth choreographic ensemble will perform Unspeakable, a new full length dance work at the Canberra Playhouse, 1-4 August.
When should you speak up, when should you keep silent? And how do you speak without words?
The young Quantum Leapers, working with four choreographers, use dance as a language which can express things they cannot give voice to, or which adults insist they keep quiet about — and they use their voices to give deeper meaning to their dance.
Unspeakable involves 39 young people coming from Canberra and the ACT region with guest dancers from Melbourne, Perth and Thailand. They have worked with professional choreographers selected from all over Australia to develop Unspeakable: : Alice Holland, Paul Cordeiro, Marko Panzic and Vicki van Hout. It features an original music score by Nicholas Ng, Luke Tierney, Warwick Lynch, Julian Day and Adam Ventoura.