I’m not going to tell you how to vote. Heck I haven’t even made up my own mind yet.
But I can tell you that the following candidates here in the ACT thought it was reasonable to be asked questions when presenting themselves for election:
- — Quintin Phillips-Hedges for Fraser (Secular Party)
— Anthony David for the Senate (Democrats)
— Darren Churchill for the Senate (Democrats)
— Indra Esguerra for Fraser (Greens)
— Hannah Parris for the Senate (Greens)
— Lin Hatfield Dodds for the Senate (Greens)
— Sue Ellerman for Canberra (Greens)
— Gai Brodtmann for Canberra (Labor)
(In order of return)
The other candidates, from the day after the Electoral Commission confirmed them as candidates to the day before the election, could not or would not answer simple polite questions from the public on the record.
I leave it up to the reader to decide what that’s worth.
(Incidentally one candidate offered to do an interview, but on condition the questionnaire questions were not asked)