My husband, children and myself have been seeing a doctor at the WMC for the past 10 years on the repeated advice that the best family health care is found by building a solid relationship with one trusted GP. If all Australia GPs were polled today (including those contracted to factories such as the Phillip Health care clinic) I doubt highly that consensus would differ from this opinion.
This issue has me very very concerned for health services in the ACT.
I too rang Primary Care this morning and asked to speak to someone to discuss the closure. I was told that there was no one there to speak to me and to put my “complaint” in writing. At that stage I had mentioned that I wished to discuss, not complain about, the issues. As though they know that we have lots to complain about but simply don’t care.
If Primary Care did care enough to take the call of one of their potentially new “customers”, I would have liked to ask them:
- How do they currently measure the performance of its contracted doctors at the Phillip Centre? Will the ex-WMC doctors be gauged by these same performance measures at any time within the next 2 years?
- Are GPs at Phillip who engage in regular >5 minute consultations and/or do not maintain their quota of XRay and test referrals considered to be performing below Primary Care prescribed KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)?
- What is the first available appointment for Dr X (previously from from the Wanniassa Medical Centre) that I can make and can they guarantee that I will see THAT doctor within 3 hours of my scheduled appointment?
- When was the last time that Primary Care polled its current Phillip patients to see how well the Centre is performing in the eyes of its current customers? If not in the last 12 months, how important are the views of Primary Care customers considered?
- How many of the WCM doctors believe that the move to Phillip is largely a positive one for their respective patients’ health care?
- What percentage of patient non-transfer rate from WMC have Primary Care deemed acceptable? i.e. have they calculated that the move is financially sound if up to 10%/20%/30% (or more) patients refuse to follow their doctors to Phillip?
I will pose these questions to Primary Care now in writing and will post their responses here when (and if) I receive a response.
Don’t hold your breath.