It might be apocryphal. But I was once told a story that many of the philosophy seats in American universities are paid for by the US Marine Corp. The thinking is that it costs north of a million dollars a year to train, equip, and maintain a single jarhead grunt. But you can keep a philosopher in lentils and hemp hats for around $25,000 a year and a new paradigm is worth a lot more than a solitary soldier.
With that in mind we note that ArtsACT are advertising two Creative Fellowship Residencies at the Australian Defence Force Academy:
The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy invites applications for two UNSW Canberra Creative Fellowship Residencies in 2013.
The Creative Fellowship Residency, valued at $10,000, will support an Australian writer to undertake a residency at UNSW Canberra for up to 12 weeks.
The Fellowships will be awarded to writers on the merit of their project proposal, the achievements of applicants in their chosen field and their potential to enrich and contribute to the activities of UNSW Canberra and the Canberra community.
Applications close 9am Monday 29 April 2013.
For more information and application details please visit: or contact the UNSW Canberra Executive Officer, Development on (02) 6268 8499.
We note the cunning close of applications at 9am to ensure the right sort of creative takes up residency.