No less a rabid lefty than the former Daily Telegraph editor David Pemberthy has typed out a piece for the Murdoch owned “The Punch” website in which he concludes that the protesters filling up Federation Mall aren’t “Real Australians” after all.
Not just a little bit wacky, but card-carrying, rolled-gold, fully paid-up fruitcakes who may well have thought they were being followed to the protest by black United Nations helicopters.
And there down in the comments, telling Pembo he too is wrong and she is right (while failing as ever to address any points raised) is our friend Julie Coker-Godson known in these parts as “cdtreasure” (although any woman self-identifying as “rubenesque” should be reporting to Ian Miller for treasure removal)
And, joy of joys, she’s reported RiotACT to the highest authority in the land. A 2GB talkback host. (Although only Chris Smith after Ray Hadley and Alan Jones lost their nerve.)
got to meet Chris Smith from 2GB personally and handed him the details of my infamy as printed out in full from The Canberra Times online forum RiotACT written by someone called Johnboy and who referred to us as “seditious, treasonous boguns who should be strung up”. Underneath his comments others had posted that we should all be sent to the Tower of London for beheading and our heads stuck up on spikes on Traitors Gate. Isn’t hea lovely man? Such gentle thoughts he has! Chris asked if he could have the print out and I said yes, of course and gave it to him
Bogan Julie, with an A, you’re a bogan not a bogun. But given everything else you’re confused about from that thread what’s a bit of spelling.
Hang on, you can’t spell bogan and you want to re-write the Constitution of Australia?
So if the absolute worst case scenario* happens on Monday at least there will be some joy in watching the Canberra Times burn down out of confused association.
And if anyone asks you have never heard of this website.
* The Canberra Times this morning describes the seditionists as a “seemingly unstoppable force”.
Also look, there are Janet and Matt Thompson! As described in The Exiled’s peek under the convoy covers:
Matt and Janet Thompson – the American couple in charge of Convoy #6 – used to run a factory farm near Narrogin, a town east of Perth. Though only licensed to keep 6,000 cattle, they seemed to have been squashing nearly 10,000 into their feedlot until Narrogin locals complained about the smell.
When the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) pushed them to do something about it, they cried persecution. Janet claimed the feedlot complaints were a government plot to bankrupt her husband because he refused to believe in man-made global warming. Or report greenhouse gas emissions coming from his factory farm. Or admit ammonia was a serious pollutant
It’s too late to curry favour with our new overlords now CT, you’re on Julie’s list.