Territory And Municipal Services have announced that a water ski training trial for Lake Ginninderra starting in April:
The trial involves providing a specific location where members of the ACT Water Ski Association can undertake tournament training on a slalom course and over jumps. The trial is not considering opening Lake Ginninderra to social water skiing.
The Molonglo Reach water ski area has been closed for safety reasons since December 2010 and the ACT Government recognises the need to provide a training venue for local water ski and wakeboard competitors. Works are taking place to re-open the Molonglo Reach site but due to the ongoing movement of debris and sand bars, and the reduced water level in Lake Burley Griffin, Molonglo Reach is not expected to open for full use in the near future.
The ACT Government has worked with the ACT Water Ski Association to develop reasonable conditions that consider noise, environment and amenity. The boats which will be used for the trial on Lake Ginninderra make approximately the same level of noise as a family sedan. There will be strict conditions placed on the trial, including a restricted period of time that a boat can be used. The proposed times are 7 am to 9 am and 4 pm to 6 pm. Only one boat with one skier or wake boarder will be permitted to operate at any one time and all boats will need to be approved by the ACT Water Police.
The trial will also have strict environmental monitoring, including by local independent bird experts as well as noise monitoring at various locations, including near Kangara Waters retirement village.
[Photo by Ted Van Pelt CC BY 2.0]