20 April 2018

We'll walk further to catch the bus if it gets us to our destination faster, survey finds

| Ian Bushnell
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More frequent and faster services is the key to more people taking public transport. File photo.

Canberrans have an understandable desire for more frequent and faster bus services and it seems they may be willing to accept longer distances to bus stops – and as a result, fewer of them to achieve that.

The findings from the first phase of the ACT Government’s consultation for a new public transport network that will integrate buses with light rail announced today (Friday), shows Canberrans are prepared to walk further to a bus stop if services were more frequent and journeys faster.

They also want more up-to-date information on services and routes via mobile apps and digital displays.

The findings show Canberrans unsurprisingly want public transport to be quicker and more frequent and that this is the key to getting more people to use public transport but the trade-off will likely be fewer bus stops and routes, which could pose difficulties for the very young, elderly and people with a disability.

Conducted in late 2017, the consultation sought feedback from the community and stakeholders on how best to provide local and suburban connections to the Rapid network and how to improve the overall experience of public transport.

People were engaged through pop-up stalls, an online survey and at community group briefings. A total of 678 people filled in the online survey, with 82 per cent of respondents saying they currently used public transport.

In answer to the question “Would you walk further to a bus stop if the bus came more often and got you to your destination faster?”, 80 per cent of respondents said yes, which the consultation report said ‘clearly shows that most people would be willing to walk further to connect to the new Rapid Network’.

Minister for Transport Meegan Fitzharris said the first phase of consultation told the Government that as Canberrans moved away from a ‘nine-to-five’ lifestyle, people wanted more services at all times of the day and week.

“We can achieve this by reducing duplication across existing routes, freeing up more buses and providing more frequent services. Integrating light rail with our bus network will also free up buses and provide more direct services to key destinations,” she said.

The report said most respondents indicated that they would generally prefer to access information about timetables and route changes via digital display apps to plan their journey.

But more than 40 per cent preferred traditional printed timetables, “suggesting this remains an important source for those who cannot access digital information and as a backup if there is a technological failure”.

There was strong support for Transport Canberra investigating Flexible Bus services for residents with limited mobility (60.91 per cent), ride-sharing services for large employment areas/workplaces (39.82 per cent) and Demand Responsive Services for residents who cannot access regular bus services (50.44 per cent).

Ms Fitzharris said the introduction of two new Rapid services last year had already had a great response, with more and more people using the new services every day.

“But while 82 per cent of respondents said they currently use public transport, we know only 7.1 per cent of Canberrans took public transport to work on Census Day 2016,” she said.

“The bottom line is we need more Canberrans to catch public transport.”

She said the trend was encouraging with Transport Canberra on target to meet or exceed its target of 18.4 million boardings.

“The Green Rapid from Woden through the Inner South, in particular, is very popular, and is already one of the busiest routes on the network. In fact, we have had 15 of the 20 busiest days on the Transport Canberra network since 2011, so far this year,” she said.

“I’m confident that the more we provide frequent, direct bus services across Canberra, the more people will choose to leave the car at home and catch public transport.”

The next stage of consultation on the integrated public transport network will take place in May before a new network is introduced.

It will include the detail of the new and updated Local and Rapid routes, and also cover school services and ways to improve timeliness in the wake of recent controversy over buses arriving late at schools.

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Canberrans walking? Ha ha ha. More likely they’ll just drive their car to the bus stop and then catch the bus. Many Canberrans would prefer to park illegally if it means 20m less walking to the entrance of the gym or supermarket.

Canberra has a reputation as the city where everything is laid on within our fingertips. From the days where every suburb had a shopping centre and a school to today where we complain if our NBN connection goes below 90Mpbs. I take the results of this survey with a large grain of salt.

Queanbeyanite7:39 pm 26 Apr 18

So the local council bought Mr Rattenbury’s vote with $3 billion dollars of ratepayers hard earned? To serve only 7% of the population?

Public transport is for the whole population; same as hospitals, whether you use them, or schools, whether you have a child using one. It’s also to attempt to encourage people to use public transport and improve the liveability of the city by having less cars on the road. And as a side effect improve people’s fitness, by getting them out of their cars. Some people would drive to their desk if they could.

People have been telling the government for 20+ years that they don’t want to catch buses that take the scenic route around the mulberry bush to get them where they want to go, or buses that stop every 100m down the road. It only takes a few vocal whingers to change their plans to make these improvements and just retain the status quo. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Sooooo reflecting what the government would want to hear. Save a few shekels on bus stop maintenance, inconvenience old and disabled people…. what do the Greens think?

Do they factor in walking both ways when the bus doesnt show and runs only every hour?

jamesblake290812:46 pm 20 Apr 18

Hopefully the ACT govt can take this research into consideration re the winding, indirect Stage 2 rotue

Judging by this list, it looks like I’m going to lose the 3xx bus that runs down the road near me (30 second walk). Replaced by a 10 minute walk. Will be interesting if Canberrans really do walk that extra distance to get a bus.

It’ll now make me think more than twice about getting the bus to work especially since the route after those early suburbs doesn’t change, so it’ll just be a 10-15 minute increase on the commute each way for me.

Good exercise though if the weather is good 🙂

What happened to the gold line? Cancelled.
Consultation just to return an excuse to decrease number of busses. Action budget shinks because light rail takes a bugger share of the pot. Why isnt there a belconnen to tuggeranong rapid?

jamesblake29085:11 pm 20 Apr 18

Gold Line is not on the map because it’s not a Rapid. I’m guessing it would be replaced bu Purple Rapid though

Capital Retro9:14 am 20 Apr 18

“The bottom line is we need more Canberrans to catch public transport.”

Year after year the vast majority of Canberrans have rejected public transport. The city was designed for the private motor car and we use it that way despite all the “speed humps” the government creates.
Most other cities our size are envious of our roads.

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