Ben Byatt from Monaro Screens provides step-by-step instructions on what to do when your Crimsafe doors come off their tracks. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
Australian-made and created to exceed national standards, Crimsafe doors are a popular security screen option.
But even the screen billed as “the toughest on the market” can sometimes come off their rollers.
Monaro Screens General Manager Ben Byatt says while it’s rare for this to happen, there can be a number of contributing factors when it does.
“A build up of dirt, debris and animal hair on the track can be a big contributor,” he said.
“But probably the biggest contributor is the kids or pets pushing against the door.
“Door frames can also shift over time and wheels can wear down, particularly with exposure to the elements.
“Bear in mind that the top wheels guide the door and hold it in position. The bottom wheels hold all the weight and these are spring-loaded. Sometimes the top wheels unwind a bit with use and are no longer firm enough to lock the door in position.”
Helpful tips are detailed below to prevent your Crimsafe doors from coming off their rollers in the first place.
When they do, you can call in the experts, but much of the time it’s simple enough to fix yourself – if you know how.
Here’s a standard method of getting your Crimsafe doors back on track.
What you need
- Lubricating silicone spray.
- Materials for cleaning dirt and debris off the tracks.
What to do
- Loosen the top wheels by winding them down about 5 mm to allow some slack to get the door back into the head.
- Replace any worn/damaged rollers and/or tracking.
- While the door is off it’s a good idea to spray your wheels with a lubricant and remove any dust or debris from the tracks, before replacing them.
- Lift your Crimsafe door back into the top track, ensuring it’s nice and tight, before springing the bottom wheels back into place.
- Re-tighten the top wheels firmly enough to hold the door in place but not so firmly as to hinder its movement (again about 5 mm).
- Clean your Crimsafe door tracks regularly to prevent dirt and debris build up.
- Lubricate your Crimsafe mechanisms yearly with a silicone spray.
- Check the top wheels of your Crimsafe door from time to time to ensure they’re wound tightly enough to do their job.
- Keep your Crimsafe door closed at all times when not in use to prevent people and pets from pushing them out of place.