When did it become acceptable to resort to criminal behaviour over the issue of ‘parking’? It is assault to abuse someone and it is vandalism to damage someone elses’ property. The street in which you live is not “yours”.
It is not ok to run out of your house and shout at someone for parking in “your” street. It is not ok to leave a note on someone’s car telling them not to park on “your” street. It is not ok to run a key along someone’s car or “egg” it because it is parked on “your” street.
Have Canberrans forgotten that we live in a community? That we all pay our taxes to the local Government so that we can enjoy the benefits of that community? If someone chooses to walk 10, 20, 30 minutes or more to walk to avoid paying for parking so what? They pay to live in this community – why are they not allowed to enjoy it?