Zed Seselja is asking questions about where the ACT’s money has gone with Better Place going titsup?
ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja has today questioned the ACT Labor Government on how much money the part government owned company ActewAGL and the government itself have spent on Canberra’s future electric car network, which is now in doubt.
“The global company Better Place, which was behind Canberra’s electric car network scheme, has announced that they are moving their focus away from Australia which will cause significant delays,” Mr Seselja said.
“We were told back in 2011 that Canberra would lead the nation with an electric car network. Today we have found out that this may not be the case.
“It is fair to question whether the government did their research or whether they followed another green scheme blindly.
“It is also now up to the government to clarify how much money this scheme will now be costing the Canberra taxpayer, and what safeguards were put in place to protect our money,” Mr Seselja concluded.
Wikipedia has some background. I personally was always nervous about any scheme which involved Evan Thornley.
UPDATE 30/01/13 11:25: The ABC has some optimistic background on this.