Does anyone know the facts about “rates tripling” as per the Liberal Party ads?
I can’t afford to pay $130 a WEEK for rates on the average wage!
What is Katie Gallagher thinking? And this will affect tenants surely?
UPDATE 21/09/12 12:30: Andrew Barr’s office have sent in this reply:
The Liberals are using an Abbott-style scare campaign about your rates.
Labor is not tripling rates. The Canberra Liberals are wrong.
ACT Labor has changed the rates system to make it fairer, and cut stamp duty to make housing more affordable.
For 33,700 Canberra households rates have gone down.
For others , the average rate increase is $2.35 a week as wages continue to rise and other taxes are cut.
The Seselja Liberals quote a table from the Quinlan tax review but that table was rejected by Government, and does not form part of the rates policy.
The Liberals are peddling a desperate lie, based on a rejected table to cover the fact they have no plan, except to cut jobs.
UPDATE 21/09/12 14:49: Zed Seselja’s office has sent in these thoughts:
Since budget day, Andrew Barr has been gloating about his ‘progressive’ changes to abolish stamp duty. Since Budget day, he has been saying it would be replaced by rates. Since budget day, he has not been honest about how just how much that is going to cost.
Andrew Barr himself said “Canberrans understand that tax changes like the ones I have announced need to be paid for.” ( Budget Speech June 2012)
The changes Andrew Barr proposes will cost the government well over $300 million a year when finished. That’s $300 million that needs to be replaced by rates. That is easily three times higher than the rates revenue generated now. It is simply impossible to abolish one tax and not increase rates by the same amount, without a drastic change to the budget or a massive job cuts to the ACT public service.
After months taking the credit as ‘the great reformer’ for abolishing stamp duty, It is too late for him to run away from the costs of those promises now.
As far as ‘fairness’ goes – How is it fair to those on a fixed income to increase their rates by thousands every year? How is it fair to those who have just paid stamp duty to pay the same amount again every few years – forever?
And how is it fair to those who simply cannot pay, who will then have their debt deducted from their estate, just like a death tax?It is not a ‘fairer’ tax, it is not a ‘progressive’ tax – it is a bigger tax, plain and simple.
The Canberra Liberals plan is to give support to those who most need it – first home buyers, without tripling rates for everyone else.
It is a choice – people can vote to abolish stamp duty and have their rates tripled to pay for it, or they can vote for the existing scheme, plus support for first home buyers, and keep their rates low.
One thing is guaranteed, rates will not triple under the Canberra Liberals to pay for Andrew Barr’s promises.