Chief Minister Stanhope is asking for community help in finding a location for a bus station in Erindale:
“The ACT Government has identified Erindale as a key location for a major bus station to improve sustainable transport options for people travelling to and from Tuggeranong,” Mr Stanhope said.
“This bus station will include new bus services such as the Blue Rapid service and sustainable transport options such as the co-location of bike>park>ride facilities.”
Erindale is currently serviced by four bus routes, three of which run through the Comrie Street bus stops in the Erindale town centre and a fourth which stops on Sternberg Crescent.
The ACT Government is seeking community feedback on two possible sites for the proposed Erindale bus station, both on McBryde Crescent.
One possible location is opposite the shopping centre and would involve closing the eastern end of Ricardo Street. The second is on a site west of the first option which would involve reconfiguring access to the shopping centre car park.
Your thoughts dear reader?