Who wants a Merry-go-round business?
Simple answer, turn it into a cafe. Canberra can’t get enough of them, and you’ll be able to drink your coffee and read the paper while sitting on a wooden horse.
Everybody wins.
Daniel Bailey, Director, ACT Property Group, today announced that the ACT Government is seeking to engage a social enterprise to operate the iconic Civic Merry-Go-Round.
“The operation of Civic Merry-Go-Round through a social procurement process has been trialled over the last year,” Mr Bailey said.
“We think the ongoing operation of the Merry-Go-Round has the potential for social ventures to work in a commercial environment and allow their staff to develop their skills in customer service, communication, numeracy and a range of other areas. It also gives workers the opportunity to play an active role in the community and contribute to the legacy of the Merry-Go-Round, the iconic heart of our city centre.
“A permanent social procurement contract for the operation of the Merry-Go-Round will ensure social value continues to be added to the Canberra community.
“I encourage both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations that seek not only a financial return on investment but a social return on investment as well to submit their tender.
“The Merry-Go-Round, which commenced operation at its current location in Civic on 13 March 1974, is a focal point of heritage and a place of fond memories for many Canberrans. It is exciting to know that with this social procurement the Civic Merry-Go-Round will continue to be available to residents and visiting tourists.”
Interested organisations can visit www.procurement.act.gov.au or call 6207 0229 for further information. Tenders will be accepted until 2 pm Thursday 12 December 2013. The social procurement contract is expected to be awarded in March 2014.
Any Rioters feel like managing the Merry-go-round?