28 June 2024

Canada Day's just around the corner, eh? Get ready, they're poutine on quite a celebration

| Morgan Kenyon
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Two men standing and holding a jersey

Defender for the Caribou Canberra Brave, Matt Harvey, with Paul Maddison, the Canadian High Commissioner. Photo: Caribou Canberra Brave.

O Canada … Home to maple bacon, the majestic moose and kings of ice hockey, this nation’s rich culture is celebrated every year on 1 July – Canada Day.

A Canada original, Matt Harvey, now lives in Canberra and is a stoic defender for the capital’s home ice hockey stars, the Caribou Canberra Brave.

“Canada Day is always special,” he says.

“It’s a chance to catch up and reminisce with family about life overseas, and I get to celebrate with my teammates and friends a very welcoming, blended culture that is in many ways similar to Australia.

“I feel a great sense of belonging in Canberra and [ice] hockey has been a huge part of that. Hockey and Canada go hand in hand, so what better way to pass my roots on to my kids than showing them what it’s all about with a great game?”

READ MORE Brand new Brave Cave: Canberra’s home ice hockey rink has a fresh game face

Matt and the rest of the Caribou Canberra Brave will face off against the Newcastle Northstars at Phillip Ice Skating Centre on 29 June.

CEO Stephen Campbell says ice hockey is indeed synonymous with Canadian culture and encourages everyone to come along to the Canada Day match.

“There’s a phenomenal sense of pride across the leagues for this sport in our country, and we can’t wait to see our supporters getting into the Canada Day match,” he says.

“Fans can even come down to the rink courtyard a little early and get their faces painted in Canada’s red and white, in honour of where our thrilling sport comes from.”

drinks on tap at caribou

Caribou Kingston. This leafy suburban watering hole is the perfect place to sit back, relax and enjoy some old-school Canadian hospitality. Photo: Caribou Kingston.

If face painting isn’t your thing, don’t despair – there’ll be live music, street hockey, hot food (poutine, anyone?) and plenty of cold drinks served by Caribou Kingston staff in the upstairs bar.

As the only dedicated Canadian bar in Canberra, Caribou Kingston puts on a great show for this national holiday. Caribou’s owner, Leeroy Peterson, says Canada Day is the bar’s biggest annual shindig.

READ MORE The Brave unveils one of the most credentialed players ever to play in the Australian Ice Hockey League

“It’s a chance to really let your hair down, take a day off from the stresses of life and enjoy some good old-fashioned fun,” he says.

“This year, we will be open from 10 am on Monday (1 July) right through to the early hours of Tuesday. Partygoers can enjoy a traditional Canadian breakfast to start them off and get involved in plenty of games, live music and giveaways as the night goes on.

“Some of the Caribou Canberra Brave players will even pop down and play some street hockey with our guests! We will also be making our best Caesar cocktails all day – we’ve been experimenting with new recipes, so have your testing hats on.”

Caribou Canberra Brave will take on Newcastle Northstars on 29 June at 5:15 pm at Phillip Swimming and Ice Skating Centre. Grab your tickets here.

Contact hello@cariboukingston.com.au to make a booking for celebrations at Caribou Kingston on Canada Day, 1 July.


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Tom Worthington3:49 pm 27 Jun 24

I studied for my MEd online in Canada and could mostly understand what they were saying. One that caught me out was the tutor saying “this group are the loonies”. I thought that insulting, and politically incorrect, but they were referring to the provincial bird of Ontario.

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