The CT has a report on ACTION requiring 50 additional drivers to service the new, revised timetables to be introduced when the stars align with Venus.
It’s all our fault of course. Comrade Hargreaves slashed services and staff over an eight month period as soon as he took up responsibility for ACTION. When his brilliant plan was shown to result in overcrowding, late running and loss of patronage, he decided to call for submissions on how to fix it.
Low and behold, we required more services and busses. “This problem occurred because we responded to community demands” (Hargreaves/CT).
Questions by the CT to ACTION regarding the loss of staff/redundencies involved in Hargreaves mini pogrom could not be answered “on privacy grounds”. So on the same grounds we should not be privy to the number of road deaths, number of ACT prisoners in gaol, number of public housing tenants, or any other number the ACT Gov holds.
The arogance of this man, and this Gov, is becoming overwhelming.