Yesterday the ACT Young People’s Plan Progress Report was released, and within fifty-five pages of waffle and spin are some interesting tidbits.
School programs have been fairly successful, with improvements in school sustainability, healthy food programs starting to spread out into a hundred schools, and 22,500 students ACT-wide participating in physical activity programs.
Programs giving money to young people are doing well too, with over thirty thousand dollars in scholarships and grants given out by Youth InterACT to individuals since 2009.
When it comes to programs aimed at disabled young people and young carers, however, results aren’t quite so good. From 2008 to 2009 only seventeen Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders with disabilities accessed support and only 233 young people in the ACT with disabilities are currently employed. During 2010-11 no carers under twenty-five in the ACT accessed the Carers Advocacy Service, though 120 carers were supported by the Young Carers Program.
And in terms of alcohol education, considered high priority and mentioned four times in the report, a series of education sessions were delivered to ACT schools. Four sessions in the last financial year. Sixty-nine students attended in total.
Does it look like the next few years will be good or bad for young people in Canberra? Seems like we need some more work on supporting people with disabilities, but at least our schools are doing well.