Many of us like to complain about the terrible impact risk aversion has had on children’s play grounds over the last 20 years.
TAMS has now released the “Draft Accessible Inclusive Playgrounds in the ACT – Play Space Strategy”. Which is your chance to actually have some input into the process.
For those who’d like to see some more challenging equipment available around the place this bit is a worry:
- An essential element in the provision of public play spaces is that play is accessible and inclusive to children and carers of all abilities.
Which, while a noble sentiment, seems like a rationale for stripping out all the fun entirely.
On the bright side they haven’t managed to outlaw trees yet.
Comments close on 13 March 2009 and can be forwarded by email to or by mail to
- Fay Hug
Parks, Conservation and Lands
Territory and Municipal Services
GPO Box 158
Canberra 2601