@hil_clix_pix is having a right old blowup at the cheek of the National Arboretum’s piratical photography policies:
OK!! I have had a call from the National Arboretum and they want to charge me $200 for a permit for our PHOTOWALK Canberra group to have our event at the National Arboretum!!! I am seriously pissed off!
PHOTOWALK Canberra is a FREE community event, just for the joy of creating photos… I am absolutely gob-smacked!!
They agree that PHOTOWALK Canberra is not a commercial enterprise but still maintain that they need to charge $200 for a permit. Considering we would all be paying for the privilege to park there and we would more than likely have a coffee or other refreshment whilst we are there, and we will be sharing our images on the flickr group and possibly social media as way of promotion of their venue, I feel that their terms are truly exorbitant!!!
The also asked if we were we willing to have our images used by them to promote the National Arboretum…… for free! I realise as enthusiasts it may seem a wonderful thing to have one of your images used by the National Arboretum, but to what extent would they use it/them??? You may see your image(s) that you created used many many times and its no use if there is no with no recompense, recognition for your efforts or authorship…Would you unknowingly waive your rights to this image? Who knows!!
So they want free access to any images we capture and the want to charge us $200 for the privilege, so I am sorry to say PHOTOWALK Canberra WILL NEVER BE HELD AT THE NATIONAL ARBORETUM.
PHOTOWALK Canberra has done walks at numerous places around the national capital and NEVER been subjected to such ludicrous demands.
The coming photowalk has been cancelled as a result.