[First filed: Sep 28, 2010 @ 15:49]

Good news water watchers! ACTEW’s Dam Level page shows all three dams on the cotter river now 100% full while Googong at 65% full gives the ACT’s water storage at 79.4% of capacity and climbing!
Now will we maintain water restrictions if the system hits capacity?

UPDATE: Spring Cleaning exemptions have been announced.
Spring Cleaning Exemption – What is allowed?
A general exemption exists during the period 2 to 17 October 2010 to allow potable water to be used to clean windows, buildings and paved areas where such cleaning would not otherwise be permissible under Stage 2 Water Restrictions.
Paved areas, windows and buildings may be washed at any time during the period 2 to 17 October 2010 by using a bucket and mop/brush or a high-pressure low volume cleaner.
Note :
– Where washing is necessary as a result of accident, fire, health hazard or other emergency, such cleaning may be undertaken at any time using the most appropriate method.
– All applicable laws must be complied with when discharging substances into the storm water system.