21 October 2013

Here's some Monday parking for you

| Barcham
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Hey Rioters,

Here’s a fresh serve of Monday parking for you, so dig in.

If you spot some delicious poor parking out and about snap a shot and email it to images@the-riotact.com so everyone can enjoy it. Make sure to include the word “parking” in the subject and let us know what name you would like to be credited with.

Lets get to it!

1. TLJ spots the Giulia mobile out again:

“Giulia Jones strikes again! Seen Monday night at Cooleman Court car park around 8pm. Later seen with a car parked right behind her, bum hanging out to adjoining road, but with people in that car I was too scared to take another photo!”


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2. Not exactly a bad parking photo, but a worthy shot none the less from Ryan:

Not sure if this just bad sign placement or how one gives a building a parking infringement but I had a chuckle 🙂

Found at curtin shops.


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3. Jarrod put his fries down to get this shot:

The car park at Maccas Braddon, the red car was parked well over from the side, the silver car took about 5 goes to get out of his park.


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4. An Anonymous Rioter sent us these:

This cranky male was happy to block in disabled drivers wanting to reverse out of their legal parking spaces at the rear of the Jamison Plaza this morning.

He got out, locked up and walked away.

Blocked In

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5. Chas wants to know what rules we use:

The contagion spreads at Jamison Post Office car park. I almost snapped a fifth miscreant in the right-most spot but she nipped off as soon as she saw my camera. Probably a Riot Act reader.

The Mazda was a couple of cm on the line so I suppose it depends on whether we RiotActors use tennis rules (on the line is in), basketball rules (on the line is out), or social rules (just plain rude).


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6. CC makes a bold statement but backs it up:

As reliable a spot as outside the Woden chemist


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7. GP delivers a double:

Two photos from Kambah Village Shops.

The spacing, the awareness of lines, and of course, the No Stopping sign.

So much going on here.

To be fair, I have never seen a taxi in this taxi rank.

Still not fair.

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8. Zeital didn’t realise:

The outback was there before me. I didn’t realise until I got out of my car that it was so far over his line.


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9. Zan wants no more:

I’ve always wanted to get one of these.

Friday evening Lonsdale Street


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10. Balthazar has uncovered the secret to avoiding parking inspectors while they’re all out patrolling:

Saturday morning outside the Gungahlin police station. No worries about tickets there.


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11. Paul0075 shot this while on assignment:

Found this lovely parking job at Belconnen Mall on Friday night.


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12. Pork Hunt sends in a classic:

From Riverside Plaza in Qbn.

Yellow lines

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13. Sheep Groper delivers a pile of presents:

For your viewing pleasure I present my generous friend the chemist, and nearby environs.

Chemist Not chemist Chemist Chemist

Having a chat on the zebra crossing…

Not chemist

Also some of the vehicles that choose to park in the no standing zone by the Tax building’s loading dock – I was fair, I only snapped a pic if the vehicle was still there the next time I wandered into the tea room, the guys that stand there while they ask for the doors to be
raised are legit as far as I’m concerned.

Not chemist Not chemist

And there’s one of the wankers that chooses to park in the no standing zone by the air
conditioning intake – seriously sick of smelling the diesel exhaust fellas.

Not chemist but angry work men.

And to finish, when I was at Bunnings I noticed this patch job for a side mirror, amusing that it belongs to a business vehicle wit “fix” as part of the name.


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14. Busbooster is not a fan of double parking:

A double-parking d-bag in Kingston on Sunday. Double-parking has to be among the worst of the crimes against parking. Your parking is bad! And you should feel bad!

Double bad!

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15. Astrojax has instagram:

at anu, near the sports union – parked here and quite sporty and not disabled owners (also, no permits, for the pedants like me) after a while, then continued to stand about for at least another twenty mins befit I left…


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16. Golden-Alpine finishes us off with a marvellous photo of jerkery:

Seen at Belconnen in Sunday. Two cars parked not in car spaces. Parking in another car parked in a disabled parking spot.


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SheepGroper said :

KB1971 said :

Number 6 is outside Lanyon Marketplace, not the Woden chemist.

They didn’t say it was Woden, they just observed that people park illegally there as often as they do by the cheap chemist.

I misread as for is…….

KB1971 said :

Number 6 is outside Lanyon Marketplace, not the Woden chemist.

They didn’t say it was Woden, they just observed that people park illegally there as often as they do by the cheap chemist.

Number 6 is outside Lanyon Marketplace, not the Woden chemist.

ABC129 said :

Perhaps there should be some sort of minimum standard for bad parking Mondays?

Smugness knows not the severity of the crime. It only knows that the opportunity exists to inform others of the moral infractions witnessed, thereby raising ones moral XP by the ratio of which the offender has lost theirs.

I live in fear of appearing on this thread one day. Spare a thought for the partners who occasionally are forced to take the other (bigger) car and try to park it. We all try to avoid it, but we all know our parking is bad and so we try to stay away from everyone else.

melon1234 said :

i always feel like leaving passive aggressive notes on cars way over the line, but just like the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, it’s usually a staggered effect from one person who left, making others look like idiots.

Exactly! And if you do park in the middle of the space, you’re usually blocking a driver’s door. Someone will then post a pic of that and post it here.

In other news: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/political-attention-on-narrabundah-slasher-20131021-2vxei.html

Imagine that, Giulia Jones talking about justice? 🙂

tim_c said :

c_c™ said :

ABC129 said :

I don’t get it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with there the Giulia mobile is parked. I’m all for ridiculing bad parking but it’s a legitimate parking spot.

Presumably you’re not familiar then with the rules for parking in a shared zone?

So are you saying the shared zone is only the part inside the white painted rectangle?! If she parked further forward, she’d be blocking a “keep clear” zone – which incidentally, most drivers in this location seem to prefer to parking partly in the “shared zone box”

No, the box on the ground is simply marking the start of the shared zone, which extends until the end of that stretch of road where there’s another box on the road.
In the absence of a paring sign, it looks like she is in the wrong.

That said, she deserves for points for even making it into that stretch of road with the vehicle right way up, I was recently stopped at the intersection on the corner outside Sky Plaza when she (and it was her driving) came around the corner at speed and almost overcooked the turn. Tiny margin for error.

Genie – on the 2 days it was there last week it didn’t have any permit displayed. If they read this they’d better fish it out before they find themselves in next week’s photos.

carnardly said :

Boo hiss to the dark blue tradie van that parked twice last week in the Disabled Car Park closest to the lift in the Nishi Building.

Fair enough to park there if you’re genuinely disabled but when you cough “accidentally forget your parking permit” then please don’t park there. There are other genuine wheel chair users that work in that building.

If only i had a camera with me your car would be gracing these pages too.

Nishi building parking annoys the crap out of me.. All the tradies park where ever they want, including storing their supplies in those disabled spots.

There is a lady who works in the Nishi building who drives a giant blue ute.. (No idea on make or model) but she does have a disabled sticker… still baffles me how she manages to climb in and out of the ute, but it’s her daughters car that she borrows regularly.

Words fail me on the last one what a pair of idiots!

IrishPete said :

I don’t understand Number 3. Yeah the red car is badly parked, but why would it take the other car five attempts to get out?.

*shrug* As I sat there watching them attempt to reverse that is how long it took them to get out, the picture was towards the end when they’d just finished getting out of the park and were about to leave.

tim_c said :

#7 To be fair, I have never seen a taxi in this taxi rank.

Could that be because it’s always full of privately-owned vehicles?

I agree. I guess that means there is a large population of the people that visit Kambah shops that either can’t read plain and simply english – ie 2 x 4 letter words… or they are just selfish mongrels who just DGAF….

Eaglehawk said :

The issue I have is with the “way off the line” parking pics. I’ve been forced to park between two vehicles knowing full well my vehicle is on/over the line. Because the person that started the bad parking in the first place may have left ages ago, but subsequent people are forced to park out of line to avoid hitting doors on other vehicles.

i always feel like leaving passive aggressive notes on cars way over the line, but just like the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, it’s usually a staggered effect from one person who left, making others look like idiots.

that said, i DID get glee in finally getting to leave a passive aggressive note congratulating someone on their fine parking skills the other day, with their rear wheel well and truly over the white line (similar to #11), only with concrete pillar to their left, so it was clear the bad parking originated with them. i only thought about taking a riot act snap after walking away, and by the time i returned, they’d gone.

i did notice that guzman y gomez seemed a popular joint for double parking. over the space of 1/2hr on a saturday night, i saw at least three people stop and let someone out for an instant burrito fix, then loop around to pick them up.

#7 To be fair, I have never seen a taxi in this taxi rank.

Could that be because it’s always full of privately-owned vehicles?

c_c™ said :

ABC129 said :

I don’t get it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with there the Giulia mobile is parked. I’m all for ridiculing bad parking but it’s a legitimate parking spot.

Presumably you’re not familiar then with the rules for parking in a shared zone?

So are you saying the shared zone is only the part inside the white painted rectangle?! If she parked further forward, she’d be blocking a “keep clear” zone – which incidentally, most drivers in this location seem to prefer to parking partly in the “shared zone box”

Boo hiss to the dark blue tradie van that parked twice last week in the Disabled Car Park closest to the lift in the Nishi Building.

Fair enough to park there if you’re genuinely disabled but when you cough “accidentally forget your parking permit” then please don’t park there. There are other genuine wheel chair users that work in that building.

If only i had a camera with me your car would be gracing these pages too.

I don’t understand Number 3. Yeah the red car is badly parked, but why would it take the other car five attempts to get out? There seems to be loads of room. Anyway, it’s another reason for parking backwards rather than forwards – easier to get in to the spot, and easier to get out again.

c_c™ said :

ABC129 said :

I don’t get it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with there the Giulia mobile is parked. I’m all for ridiculing bad parking but it’s a legitimate parking spot.

Presumably you’re not familiar then with the rules for parking in a shared zone?

There are rules for parking in a shared zone?

I have previously beefed on this forum that shared zones just started appearing a few years back. No word on what it actually means, or announcements re. rules that would apply. I’ve not bothered to look into it, partly because I feel I shouldn’t have to, and partly because it seems commonsense should cover it in real time. Just like the rest of the population.

My suspicion is that it has no legal standing, and is a ploy used by carpark operators to bluff witless drivers into slowing down. Happy to be proved wrong.

There’s no sign visible in the picture saying that’s the case, you can only park in a shared zone in a marked space, or in accordance with a parking sign. One would assume the poll to the left of frame was formerly a parking zone sign.

before we all have a vote or poll on this, I think it’s a pole being referred to 😉

ABC129 said :

c_c™ said :

Presumably you’re not familiar then with the rules for parking in a shared zone?

Along that gutter is 15 minute parking: https://www.google.com.au/maps/preview#!data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d149.053415!3d-35.340591!2m2!1f180.3!2f72.68!4f79.67!2m7!1e1!2m2!1sRor7RB5_G81jUDPKssQ4Xg!2e0!5m2!1sRor7RB5_G81jUDPKssQ4Xg!2e0&fid=5

There’s no sign visible in the picture saying that’s the case, you can only park in a shared zone in a marked space, or in accordance with a parking sign. One would assume the poll to the left of frame was formerly a parking zone sign.

c_c™ said :

Presumably you’re not familiar then with the rules for parking in a shared zone?

Along that gutter is 15 minute parking: https://www.google.com.au/maps/preview#!data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d149.053415!3d-35.340591!2m2!1f180.3!2f72.68!4f79.67!2m7!1e1!2m2!1sRor7RB5_G81jUDPKssQ4Xg!2e0!5m2!1sRor7RB5_G81jUDPKssQ4Xg!2e0&fid=5

The issue I have is with the “way off the line” parking pics. I’ve been forced to park between two vehicles knowing full well my vehicle is on/over the line. Because the person that started the bad parking in the first place may have left ages ago, but subsequent people are forced to park out of line to avoid hitting doors on other vehicles.

ABC129 said :

I don’t get it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with there the Giulia mobile is parked. I’m all for ridiculing bad parking but it’s a legitimate parking spot.

Presumably you’re not familiar then with the rules for parking in a shared zone?

I don’t get it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with there the Giulia mobile is parked. I’m all for ridiculing bad parking but it’s a legitimate parking spot.

Perhaps there should be some sort of minimum standard for bad parking Mondays?

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