23 April 2013

Sport and art meet at the AIS Open Day

| Barcham
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The AIS are having an open day on the 28th of April, and the Training Squad will be there with their roving performance piece Not Yet It’s Difficult.

I caught these guys at the Canberra Day celebrations and thought it was an awesome and bizarre little show that blurred the line between art and sport.

The video above is an interview with director/coach David Pledger, but it does contain some footage of the performance.

Also the AIS will be presenting a forum titled Art of Sport.

“The hour-long forum picks up the theme of sport and art where they share so many characteristics such as
discipline, training, rigour, teamwork and new research into treating injuries,” said the Creative Director of
the Centenary of Canberra, Robyn Archer.

“This is a great opportunity to enjoy the day and also learn something new about the shared territory of
activities normally pitched as opposites. It’s a hot topic for a keen audience.”

The Art of Sport forum will also cover the psychological and physical states which both athletes and artists
must attain, and how they approach training. Panellists are the Director and founderof SmartStart for Kids,
former champion marathon runner Robert de Castella, Sydney Symphony Orchestra violinist Philippa Paige
and the artistic director of Not Yet It’s Difficult, David Pledger.

Training Squad

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