Goooood morning Rioters!
It’s a new working week and it’s time to set the tone for your work week by immediately slacking off and looking at some parking photos!
If you happen across a terrible example of parking, make sure to snap a photo and send it in to
Include “parking” in the subject and make sure to tell us what name you would like to be credited with.
1. Brandi begins our day:
A perennial favourite.

2. Joss delivers a study on carparks:
3. A riot newbie has been proving herself in the field of stealth parking photography:
Incognito shot of poor pole negotiation at Belconnen mall
Almost got it!! Dickson by night.
4. Kazza the Blank One has a backlog to get through:
Seen at Ainslie shops a few weeks ago
this one in red bridge carpark belconnen, behind immigration
5. Busbooster does the reading:
I spotted these tradies in Kingston on Wednesday morning. Wasn’t sure whether it was kosher or not so I checked out Section 197 of the Australian Road Rules – Stopping on a path, dividing strip or nature strip
(1) A driver must not stop on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path or dividing strip, or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area, unless:
(a) the driver stops at a place on a length of road, or in an area, to which a parking control sign applies and the driver is permitted to stop at that place under the Australian Road Rules , or
(b) the driver is permitted to stop under another law of this jurisdiction; or
(c) the driver is a tradie.Seems legit.

6. Gasman presumes well:
Riding home, just outside Arboretum entrance, on-ramp to GDE.
I presume the Bike Lane sign refers not to the patch of dirt which it has been poked in to, but the the bit of bitumen that the car is parked in.

7. Toby counts to three:
Covering all options.

8. Harold puts in the effort:
This special effort at Jamison.

9. Loxmyf has also been keeping an eye on Jamison:
Nice job by a Corolla behind Jamison

Another behind Jamison, this time in the keep clear zone that trucks use when reversing into the loading dock

“I was only there for 2 seconds” doesn’t fly.

These 2 were Belconnen Mall in the painted line bit at the end of one of the rows

10. Adrian gets straight to the point:
Parking – Mercedes at Nicholls shops

11. Pork Hunt is on the job:
Snapped this near University Ave in the city.

12. Jamian found this park tucked away in the corner:

13. Logan only sent me two photos:
Snapped these 3 at Masters and Jim Murphy’s at the airport on Saturday. The bloke in the first one was obviously not even thinking about parking because he even left his can of coke on the roof.

14. Nixter is nicer than I am:
Spotted at Canberra Hospital, Sunday 25/8/13.
I took the liberty of blocking out the business name on the car, hope that’s OK.

15. Sheep Groper has not actually left his hiding spot outside the chemist for several weeks:
Although the cheap chemist was a happy hunting ground for those who like zebra crossings they need to park nearly on top of them, some parking miscreants were spotted further afield.

16. Harold is harsh but fair:
This one had empty spaces in front, so no excuses.

17. Jase isn’t a fan:
The gormless masses use every kind of transport.
18. Tim is the hero Kingston deserves:
From the parking-inspector-vacuum of Kingston…
The driver of the blue Honda doesn’t seem to know what side of the road to drive on.

The driver of the “Kia-Sportage-look-alike” Subaru parks in a “No Stopping” zone – judging by the scowl on her face as she gets out, it is because she is so angry at the world and everyone in it (apologies for the poor image quality – they are images from video files that were taken with a cheap action cam mounted to a moving vehicle).