Pedal Power have released their submission to the review of transport corridors along Northbourne Avenue:
Pedal Power holds the following views on the range of possible facility types that might be recommended:
— The best solution that will maximise cycling safety and amenity on Northbourne Avenue is provision of separated (also known as ‘Copenhagen’) cycle lanes to the left of the general traffic lanes in both directions of travel. This is Pedal Power’s preferred overall solution for meeting the needs of the great majority of bicycle riders, and also attracting new riders. Installing separated cycle lanes addresses the concerns of most riders (existing and potential) who value speed and priority but also want physical separation from traffic, without creating any detriment to riders who prefer the current on-road cycle lanes. This proposal provides the best opportunity for the consultant and the ACT Government to provide a solution that satisfies the greatest number of people and user groups while supporting the objectives of the Sustainable Transport Plan for the ACT. It is also consistent with the ACT Government’s commitment to provide separation for bicycle riders on Northbourne Avenue.
— Provision of an off-road path as the ONLY means of cycling on Northbourne Avenue is completely unacceptable to Pedal Power and many individual bicycle riders. This would require breaches of the ACT Government’s own stated policies, put bicycle riders into dangerous conflict with pedestrians, present insurmountable technical challenges in providing genuinely equivalent cycling amenity to that presently available, and merely duplicate a nearby existing path. Many existing riders would refuse to use it and would continue to ride on the road. Most importantly, it is also an inferior option to installing separated cycle lanes.-3-
— No matter what the outcome of the study, on-road cycle lanes (preferably separated cycle lanes, but at minimum the current arrangement) MUST be retained on Northbourne Avenue as part of the Main On-Road Route Network.
— Separate to consideration of Northbourne Avenue, the study should not ignore the current use and future potential of roughly parallel Connector Routes on minor streets and of the ANU to Lyneham Main Community Route path. Opportunities should be taken wherever possible to improve these routes and east-west connections between them.
— We also recommend that the ACT Government document Design Standards for Urban Infrastructure 13: Pedestrian & cycle facilities should be formally considered as part of this study, and any proposed solutions should be tested against the document to ensure consistency. This document should also be updated to include standards for separated cycle lanes prior to detailed design of these lanes
The trouble with barriers is it still won’t fix problems with cars turning left.