Some call it a punishment from God for a world full of sin, some say it was a curse placed upon drivers after one cut an old witch off at an intersection once, most just assume there are lots of stupid lazy people out there…
But whatever the reason, the fact remains that poor parking is a never ending blight upon us all!
Well except for right now, right now it’s here for your amusement.
Send any photo graphic evidence of this ancient evil you have to
Do it!
1. Melonhead sent us this image titles “Parking Dickson Style”:
More correctly driving, then parking style.
2. Patsy might have delivered us our first poorly parked boat photo:
This is in the bus interchange Friday afternoon. Nope, not a taxi, nope, not a goods vehicle in a loading zone and yes, stopped. Champion effort!

3. Tigs doesn’t actually think they’re great:
Such great housekeepers- their ‘garden’ (not shown) covers the footpath and now we have this monstrosity to deal with too!
4. Marcus with a double:
Pic 1 is at the front of the Deakin Childcare Centre, off King St

Pic 2 is behind the netball courts in Deakin. The sign in front of the car reads: ‘No Parking, Keep Clear’.

5. Patsy notices these things:
This one at the Jerra shops, tail well and truly hanging out.
6. Joe wonders:
Really it’s not that hard is it?

7. Rioter It’s a bit Rich has a theory:
Here’s a parking submission for next Monday. Taken at 5pm on Melbourne Cup day outside the Hellenic Club in Woden. The race that stopped the nation stopped their brains.

8. Marcothepolopony took a trip to Bruce:
Non-disabled driver in the place I normally park at work, so I took umbrage at this!
No Invalid /disabled identification anywhere on the vehicle. Thanks.

9. Gnaty77 appreciates the placement:
Saw the owner of this vehicle drive down the path between Parkes Place and Parkes Place West (between Treasury and Finance buildings), park, hop out and walk into the Finance building, presumably for a meeting given the notepad in his hand. Parking is atrocious in the parliamentary triangle but this guy solved that problem! Love that he parked perfectly in front of the sign for me to take a photo for the RiotAct 😉
10. Mothy is above average:
An average photo of below average parking in Belconnen this afternoon.
11. Stuart draws conclusions like Sherlock:
State of the car speaks volumes for their driving ability. Ernst n Young car park, THU 14 NOV
At their finest, outside 243 Northbourne Ave.

12. Craig ponders:
Small conundrum…
Ernst & Young car park, civic. I know it can be a bit difficult to decide if your car is ‘small’ for such car spots. In particular, my 2011 Corolla is bigger than my previous 1999 model. But this….?

Garden Variety – Manuka shops.

13. Tim gave us this gem:
A special snowflake at Farrer shops.
14. A series of numbers sent us this one:
Parking dickson style..he stayed in the car, but the engine and lights were off. Guess he gave up on parking midway

15. Bubzie caught this winner with no no disability permit:

16. JonahBologna call this “It’s a footpath, not a car park…even if it is Saturday”:
Barry Drive at Northbourne. The car on the left is in a loading zone, the car in the middle is parked on the footpath and HAS A TICKET on the windscreen, the car on the right is on the footpath and driven by a lucky/stupid person that didn’t get a ticket.

Rudd Street at Northbourne (Pilgrim House):
These entitled ****s didn’t even try to find a car park, they just parked on the footpath.

17. Sheep Groper delivers:
Apart from the faithful chemist, Bunnings delivered someone who didn’t want to walk far,
Civic showed why vegetables don’t make great drivers as the van partially blocked the lane
entrance, and a van chose to block a driveway in Woden.

Seen in quick succession, a guy chose to use a cycle lane to change a tyre which wasn’t
coming off very easily, and a pedestrian weaving from side to side as they wandered along.

18. Jason watches them fall:
Found at Civic. As prices of cars become lower so do the parking standards.

19. Karl would like to have:
Spotted this parking near Costco on 17 November. Fangio flew up Majura Road (Airport end), swung into the carpark near Costco and headed into the shops. Nearly cleaned up a few cars as the driver worked through the roundabouts.
I’d like to have seen how they managed to pack their Costco purchases into the car.
20. Logan doubles up:
Out with the pram on Saturday and had to walk into oncoming traffic in Richardson.
Australia Post van felt the need to park in the disabled zone on Sunday, plenty of other spots available.
21. Meganubbin has this for you:
One for todays parking roundup – spotted at Canberra Contemporary Arts Space – Gorman House on Friday, right in front of the fire escape from the main gallery space!

22. Zeital likes watching people have fun:
Friday afternoon underground civic car park. People having fun trying to get around it while not being able to see the cars coming up the ramp from lv-2.
23. Astrojax in the third:
Astrojax’s filter has discovered another weird looking motorcycle, this time in the car park in civic opposite west row, behind the wig and pen…
24. MightyJoe called them a muppet, I like that:
This Muppet has taken up 2 parks in an already busy area of Barton – Blackall Street. 2 hour parking. Someone else has left a message – Learn to park.

25. Ericka took this:
Some bad parking for your Monday parking thingy. These were taken in Palmerston on Saturday – they were there all day and people had to walk in the middle of a really narrow winding street to pass them.

26. Loxmyf almost finishes this week:
More parking capers around the traps
Belconnen Mall. Many empty spots further down the aisle.

Good job by the new guy in the mall.

And there were 3 legal spots in front of the red car at Kaleen BWS.

27. Belcoman got in at the last second:
Young Miss Belcoman spotted this in Civic yesterday.
Good to see the ticket there.