Territory and Municipal Services have the curious news that the Dickson Library knitting group are going to attempt knitting Canberra’s, nay the world’s, biggest bookmark.
“Libraries ACT and the Dickson Library knitting group are inviting all keen knitters to join them in their quest. They hope to create a bookmark that equals the distance between Dickson and Civic Library –that’s just over 4kms!” said Vanessa Little, Director, Libraries ACT.
“A total of 19,381 bookmarks would be needed (21cm long x 6 cm wide), which will then be sewn together to create an enormous knitted bookmark. The group hopes this initiative might also break a Guinness World Record.
“The team at Dickson has already started work and even have people from as far as Sydney and Broken Hill contributing to this great project.”
“It is intended that at the end of the initiative in late-2012 volunteers will be sought to help sew them into blankets to be donated to charity.
“Donations of wool are also greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the Dickson Library,” Ms Little said.
To find out how you can be involved or for a copy of the pattern visit www.library.act.gov.au or call 6205 9000.
But who will make the world’s biggest book to use it in?