The Canberra Times has the scandalous news that the Kingston traders have been asked to fork out $10,000 a year in exchange for getting a small patch of lawn back in Green Square.
- The traders have received a letter from Parks, Conservation and Lands asking them to consider collectively funding the ”additional costs required to establish and maintain a healthy cover of grass at Green Square”.
The letter from Parks, Conservation and Lands acting director Jane Carder said the traders would be responsible for paying for the turf to be replaced every two years and for watering the grass using ”second-class water via tanker”.
If only there was a way to collectively fund community amenity.
Oh wait! Rates and taxes! And now special lawn levies for those able to pay for it.
UPDATED: The Greens Caroline Le Couteur is asking some good questions about where the Government’s priorities are in all this:
- “We don’t agree with Mr Stanhope’s suggestion that pebbles and spiky dry grasses are a suitable replacement for a communal lawn and think the Government should maintain grass for appropriate and popular public amenity, and in this case, it’s very little water for two small grass areas.
“Perhaps the $10,000 a year could be found by taking a tiny portion of the seemingly endless funding for Mr Stanhope’s Arboretum,”