Did you miss the Walk 4 Brain Cancer at Stromlo Forest Park on the weekend? It’s not too late to join our regular columnist, 2CC Drive host Marcus Paul, to support the cause. Paul is an ambassador of the foundation and was MC for the event on Sunday.
The Canberra arm of the national event has raised $41,121 towards its $50,000 goal, and would welcome additional donations, perhaps via the Joe Roff campaign page.
Put the event in your diary for next year. 350 people registered this year and attendees enjoyed musical performances (from Amber Nichols and Ned Philpot this year), a sausage sizzle, jumping castle and fire brigade visit.

One of the most emotional moments on the day came when former Wallabies and Brumbies great Roff talked about his brother Jake, who died in February after an eight-month battle with brain cancer, leaving behind a wife and two children.
Roff, who is a patron of Walk 4 Brain Cancer, participated in the walk on Sunday, and you can donate directly to his campaign here.
Roff said he didn’t realise how devastating brain cancer was until he was faced with it through his brother’s diagnosis. “I remember not knowing specifically what his diagnosis meant, and when an oncologist friend responded by saying, I’m so sorry I knew Jake was riding on nothing.”
The Roffs were heartened by the support they received from fellow Canberrans.
“The Roff family were absolutely overwhelmed by the support that was shown for Jake and we encourage and hope that the Canberra community continues that support. I now completely understand the quote ‘Canberra really looks after its own’ and the Walk4BrainCancer is a way that we can build this magnificent community that we live in,” Roff said.