ACT Policing issued a total of 97 Traffic Infringement Notices (TINs) and 95 cautions for Traffic Control offences during the month of September as part of its multi-agency road safety strategy.
At different periods during the year, the strategy targets specific issues and behaviours which contribute to death and serious injuries on Canberra’s roads, with Traffic Controls among those concerns.
Acting Superintendent Rod Anderson said ACT Policing’s focus on Traffic Controls during the month of September was aimed at keeping our roads safer.
“We know from the statistics provided by Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) that a large number of vehicle collisions in the ACT occur at intersections including traffic lights and turn arrows, roundabouts and at intersections controlled by signs (i.e. give way and stop),” Acting Superintendent Anderson said.
“As a result ACT Policing paid particular attention during the month of September on drivers disobeying red and amber lights/arrows, not stopping or giving way at intersections whether controlled by signs or not and drivers not using a roundabout correctly including indicating off roundabouts.”
“It’s important that motorists heed and obey traffic rules to ensure the safety of all those traveling on our roads.”
Territory and Municipal Services (TAMs) statistics showed that about 55 per cent of collisions on ACT Roads occurred at intersections in 2012.
Fines for different Traffic Control offences range from a minimum of $203 and the loss of two demerit points, to $340 and the loss of three demerit points for each offence.
[Courtesy ACT Policing]