Saturday 19 September is International Software Freedom Day. Software Freedom Day aims to promote and inform about programs that are freely available to everyone to install and use. You may be using some of these well known programs:
* Firefox – Web browser
* Thunderbird – Mail client
* Open Office – An office suite for word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, graphics, databases and more.
* Scribus – Desktop publishing
* Inkscape – Drawing program
* Gimp – Image editing
* VLC – Media player
To help you become familiar with these and others there are two events organised over two weekends.
Event 1: The Stall
Come to the Software Freedom Day Stall where we’ll be handing out free software as well as demonstrating and discussing the software available. If you have any questions about Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) this is a good place to start. Come and have talk to a local expert, or try one of the programs one one of the demonstration machines. Free CDs will be handed out (while available) and many examples of FOSS software for use on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Location: Computer Markets, Old Bus Depot Markets
Date: Saturday, 19th September 2009
Time: 10am to 2pm
Event 2: Install Fest
If you want help installing your free software, or just want to ask some more questions, then come along to the install fest. Bring your
computer and your questions to:
Location: Room N101, Ground Floor, Computer Science and Information Technology building, ANU
Date: Saturday, 26th September 2009
Time: 10am to 3pm
For more information:
General information.
Information about the Canberra events
Information on some of the programs being given away
Open Source as alternative
One of the distributions of Linux available on the day
Another distribution of Linux available on the day
Contact Details
Organiser Paul Wayper
Phone 6251 5257