A night of Science and Philosophy based entertainment is being presented on ANZAC day at the CSIRO Discovery Centre. What came first, the chicken or the egg. It’s not important. What is important is arguing about it I say. So let’s go argue at Chicken or the egg? A talk about paradoxes, proof and poultry.
Big questions demand some pretty big answers. Why am I here? What is empty space made out of? Is anything bigger than infinity? Before turning to science for clues, Canberra science writer Mike McRae says we need to get philosophical.
On Anzac Day, Mike will present an entertaining talk on paradoxes, proof and poultry at the CSIRO Discovery Centre at Black Mountain. This free, family friendly event will invite young audience members to participate in a game show with a twist, presenting philosophy as a modern, relevant process.
‘Chicken or the Egg?: Paradoxes, proof and poultry’ is open to all ages. Doors open at 11 am for an 11.30 am start and 12.30 pm finish at the Discovery Centre, Black Mountain on Thursday 25 April, 2013.
Following the talk there will be a book launch of Mike McRae’s and Tom Dullemond’s young adult philosophical fantasy book, The Machine Who Was Also A Boy.