Stray mentioned this protest earlier, but details have now been posted out; so here they are.
- Subject: Feeling let down by Kevin Rudd on climate change?
If you are wondering what kind of future your children will face, in light of the lack of leadership by the Federal Government on climate change, you are not alone.
Join hundreds of other Australians forming a human chain around Australian Parliament House on the first sitting day of Parliament on Tuesday 3rd February 2009. [ED – Anyone got a time?]
It is time to send a strong message to the Government that we will not accept weak targets that guarantee the destruction of our natural wonders such as the Great Barrier Reef.
Come make this a historic community demonstration. We will gather at 8am on the lawn in front of Parliament House before forming a human circle around the Parliament. Once we’ve held a press conference and the helicopter has taken the aerial photos, we will gather nearby for a picnic lunch and celebration of our people power. Speakers will include Greens Senator Bob Brown.
Please bring water, sun protection, and a packed lunch. Wear red – for the climate emergency – and bring long red banners to snake around Parliament House.
Let’s make 2009 the year we turn the tide of climate change. Bring your family and friends on Tuesday 3rd February.
You are also invited to join Australia’s Climate Action Summit in Canberra the weekend before the action.