A strange story in the Canberra Times on Committee concerns about Actew regulating water use while profiting from water sales.
It’s a bit of a worry but so far down the list as to barely warrant mention. What was bizarre, however, was Richard Mulcahy’s thoughts on water use and pricing.
“The Government should reduce its dividend demand on Actew if it wants, as it should, to encourage water conservation in the ACT. Otherwise you are simply punishing the consumer for saving water by pushing the price up and up.”
No Richard. You encourage the water conserver by putting a proper price on the resource and charging them less if they use less.
Vicki Dunne then put out a media release regurgitating this strange thinking.
On page three of the statement of intent it states that in regards to water demand ACTEW will ‘work with the ACT Government to achieve a reduction …
“This statement is in direct contrast with the one that follows on page nine where ACTEW’s water revenue is expected to recover from 2006-07 onwards where ACTEW has ‘assumed no water restrictions’ which has led to a significant increase in earnings,”
For Gods sake, do I have to round the Assembly and carve it into your thick skulls?
You’re Liberals, you modify behaviour by price not regulation.
Or are you just jumped up power freaks devoid of conviction?