13 March 2009

Flame Of The Week - you are all loser War Hammer goof balls

| johnboy
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It’s been a little quiet on the quality flame front.

But in the discussion on race course fashion competitions newbie “hurra” has excelled his or herself:

    Firstly, to all you loser War Hammer goof balls, I strongly advise you all to get a life and maybe even a job!!! After reading these comments, well all the loser ones, it reminded me of how many losers there are in Canberra.I think it’s safe to say that none of you were at the races on Sunday because you were too busy playing War Heads and eating left over pizza from 2 weeks ago. This website is a joke and it really proves that you people have no life and probably no girlfriends / wife, therefore you would have no idea about fashion or the races. If you were at the races you would have heard the non jealous people comment to how great the winner looked, but I guess you guys would never be asked to judge a fashion show, because your to busy on this website 🙂

A little let down by the smiley face at the end, but a top effort regardless.

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starkiss.martini5:26 pm 16 Aug 09

So, I put into google “is warhammer for losers?”… and after reading that post, for once in my life, I actually WANT to play warhammer! That flamer has just made my boyfriend happy. Yeah, he likes warhammer and he’s got a girlfriend! A hot one, that now will attempt to enjoy warhammer! 🙂

I play my War Hammer in the closet!


And I’m just pretending to have needed to Google that.

Johnboy is just showing off his inner loser Warhammer goof ball.

Having sought advice from my friend Google, I must concur that this is the case.

: )

Granny said :

And she certainly wouldn’t have played War Hammer.


But if she did she’d definitely play Slaanesh.

And she certainly wouldn’t have played War Hammer.


I don’t think Scarlett O’Hara would have made a dress (or a skirt) out of THOSE curtains however.

ant said :

And where did she steal those curtains from?

Well, fiddle-dee-dee! War, war, war; this war talk’s spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream.

If a curtain dress is good enough for Scarlett O’Hara and Giselle from ‘Enchanted’ it’s good enough for the Canberra races I should say. After all, Scarlett Rules: When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress ….

warhammer rules!

The small technical glitch with this persons plan is that he/she forget to mention that the fashion parade at any race meeting is merely an excuse for the punters to have spew, grab more beer and have their legs broken by the crime syndicate that is paying for their day out.

Pommy bastard9:46 am 14 Mar 09

because you were too busy playing War Heads and eating left over pizza from 2 weeks ago.

“Eating pizza from two weeks ago”, would leave one rather too incapacitated to attend any races.

Ok, and what is “War Hammer” and/or “war heads”? (I’m going to regret asking that aren’t I?)

But why did she think we are all into War Hammer? Enquiring minds want to know. And where did she steal those curtains from?

I saw a horse once.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy12:05 am 14 Mar 09

The fashion at the races would be much better if it wasn’t just a bunch of dumb, overdressed bogan moles who drink too much.

I reckon the horses would have to be smarter than most of those chicks.

Aw but I like laughing at all the losers in the warhammer shop at woden. Hmm the angry comment was well written and the spelling was good too. I wonder if this girl is cute and single? haha ..(well i’m guessing they’re female)

and lol @ “goof balls”

Hilarious, astro!

True, astro, but! She did make a bizarre and puzzling accusation that we all play War Hammer. So far, it appears that no one’s admitting to that, so the lack of weird capitalisation is trumped by the left-field naming of us all as dunnies and dragons fans.

i can’t believe no-one else but me entirely agrees with this poster…

but then, i can’t believe i can’t believe it’s not butter is not butter…

almost a classic, flame buT LACKED APPROpriate capITALISATION IN STRANGE PLACes.

Looks like someone woke up on the wrong end of their parasol, eh what?


SadMushroom said :

peterh @ #22
“”chuck em onto a pace buggy, see how long they stay in their pretty outfits. i go to the pacers, not to bet, but to reminisce. Horse racing is always going to be a big part of my life, just not the fashion.””

I agree!
We had pacers before gallopers.
My dad held the records at Harold Park back in the 60’s and my mum worked at the Trot Guide in Glebe.
We brought one mare to Queanbeyan to breed with and her son did quite well.

This Fashion shite they have brought into racing is just bullcrap…

globe derby park never had that kind of thing… just horses and betting…

I’m eating a Warhead now, Sour Lemon! They’re not as sour as they used to be.

I’m also at work right now, taking the end of my lunchbreak before I get back into it.

Yesterday I celebrated mine and the girlfriend’s 4 year anniversary.

Oh, and we weren’t at the races as it’s filled with drunken slappers who I wouldn’t urinate on if they were stung by a jellyfish.

I actually thought that bloke who called himself ‘Angry Bob’ or something like that was pretty damn funny on the whole Guardian Angel story, or was that last week?

Hells_Bells741:47 pm 13 Mar 09

What started as dribble, ended up being an entertaining read with said comments.

I was so glad the minute I married my wife that this amazing weight of knowledge to do with fashion and horse racing suddenly settled on my synapses.

Enough so I knew I needed to stay away from such a ghast douche magent. Thank you hurra for the confirmation.

Instant Mash1:24 pm 13 Mar 09

I’d rather be a loser than some angry woman, trying to start trouble for no reason.

Deadmandrinking1:20 pm 13 Mar 09

Does anyone find it kind of lame that the comparison of coolness is based on whether you play with little army men or tell people how good their clothes are?

Can still get War Heads. Even just at Woolies iirc. Suck one and start off thinking ‘Wow, these are so much more lame than I remember’. That changes quickly.

chewy14 said :

And yes Jakez, there was many a drunk princess in mini-mini-mini skirts there.

I want to go to Scotland
And be so very bad
By wearing a micro-mini-kilt
Of plaid

I have a little pewter chappie I got from a War Hammer type shop in York, he is a Blood Giant. You are meant to paint these but I’ve left him all grey. He’s quite a taking fellow.

peterh @ #22
“”chuck em onto a pace buggy, see how long they stay in their pretty outfits. i go to the pacers, not to bet, but to reminisce. Horse racing is always going to be a big part of my life, just not the fashion.””

I agree!
We had pacers before gallopers.
My dad held the records at Harold Park back in the 60’s and my mum worked at the Trot Guide in Glebe.
We brought one mare to Queanbeyan to breed with and her son did quite well.

This Fashion shite they have brought into racing is just bullcrap…

My wood elf brethren thought I was cool…

jakez said :

I used to play Warhammer as a wee lad but it is prohibitively expensive.

This is me giving you a virtual wedgie…



I used to play Warhammer as a wee lad but it is prohibitively expensive.

ant said :

I suspect it might have been the nana’s curtains comment that did it. That was War Hammer-vicious, that one.

Does anyone here play War Hammer? I’ve vaguely heard of it.

Ant, my 16yo son collects and builds the War Hammer thingys.
Trolls and Lords (mythical medievil things) you purchase (quite expensive) and put together like model planes etc, then you paint them and build them a setting. You play different game versions (from a book) by rolling dice and moving.
My son doesn’t play the game, just grew out of model planes.

Would cost less to go to the races and bet all day….

jakez said :

Besides, it’s not even about fashion anymore anyway. From my experience the winner was probably the only one there that wasn’t dressed like a complete whore.

Instead, she was dressed like a Whore from a cowboy film, complete with baggy gloves and inappropriate parasol. And she’d put the ribbon on the parasol herself by the looks of it and done a really poor job.

I suspect it might have been the nana’s curtains comment that did it. That was War Hammer-vicious, that one.

Does anyone here play War Hammer? I’ve vaguely heard of it.

Inappropriate11:16 am 13 Mar 09

It’s ironic that the author tried to prove they were better than the rabble rousers on this forum, but really showed they’re no better than the rousers.

jakez said :

Besides, it’s not even about fashion anymore anyway. From my experience the winner was probably the only one there that wasn’t dressed like a complete whore.

…You know, I should go to the races more often.

I was at the races on Sunday, but stayed well away from the fashion area. I find there are more important things to do when going to the Races…., like actually watching the Horse Races.
And yes Jakez, there was many a drunk princess in mini-mini-mini skirts there.

SadMushroom said :


What still ‘irks’ me is the fact this person has in some way missed the NON connection between knowing about Horse Races and knowing about Fashion.
How many Owners/Trainers out there have completed their Fashion Studies?? (Is that a new section to the trainers licence?)
How many jockeys finish their apprenticeship with 3 months of Fashion Design?
How many horses really give s sh*t about what you are wearing?

I can’t wait for this fashion crap to start hitting footy games.
“And the winner is….the lady with the 2 shades of purple that clearly match her black eye””

chuck em onto a pace buggy, see how long they stay in their pretty outfits. i go to the pacers, not to bet, but to reminisce. Horse racing is always going to be a big part of my life, just not the fashion.


What still ‘irks’ me is the fact this person has in some way missed the NON connection between knowing about Horse Races and knowing about Fashion.
How many Owners/Trainers out there have completed their Fashion Studies?? (Is that a new section to the trainers licence?)
How many jockeys finish their apprenticeship with 3 months of Fashion Design?
How many horses really give s sh*t about what you are wearing?

I can’t wait for this fashion crap to start hitting footy games.
“And the winner is….the lady with the 2 shades of purple that clearly match her black eye””

Dressing like a whore is big at Flemington on Cup Day. Vic Racing endorses it. They flew Paris over a few years back if you recall.

So… all you get at the races are old men with noses that look like they’ve imploded the shattered blood vessels stand out so, dwarves, drunks, criminals and whores/people who look like whores.

Besides, it’s not even about fashion anymore anyway. From my experience the winner was probably the only one there that wasn’t dressed like a complete whore.

…You know, I should go to the races more often.

colourful sydney racing identity10:32 am 13 Mar 09

I am really disappointed that loser was spelt correctly, was hoping for looser.

Canberra is not Flemington on Cup Day.

Canberra’s Got Style and her mwah-mwah air-kiss air-kiss friends are pushing sh*t up hill. And talking sh*t too.

Holden Caulfield10:09 am 13 Mar 09

The best thing is, that flame is still far less entertaining than the entries and comments in the judges blog that was linked here a few days ago.

It’s so funny, because they’re being serious. Otherwise it would almost pass as satire Sweetie. It seems as though Ab Fab was as accurate in this context as Frontline was in television current affairs.

Clown Killer10:08 am 13 Mar 09

Here’s my assessment:

I strongly advise you all to get a life and maybe even a job!!!

Strong, yet not imaginative use of multiple exclamation marks. Uninvited advice introduced early in the flame. Two points.

After reading these comments, well all the loser ones, it reminded me of how many losers there are in Canberra.

Good dig at Canberra, but missed opportunity to capitalise ‘loser’ and ‘losers’. One point.

I think it’s safe to say that none of you were at the races on Sunday because you were too busy playing War Heads and eating left over pizza from 2 weeks ago.

As stated by others, horse racing is for bogans, War Heads are lollies not a game and pizza unlikely to be left uneaten by genuine nerds – loss of focus. Nil points

This website is a joke and it really proves that you people have no life and probably no girlfriends / wife, therefore you would have no idea about fashion or the races.

Weak attack on website with the causal link between the humorous side of RA and the rest of us having no life. Fallaciously attempts to establish link between having a girlfriend or wife and knowledge of fashion … don’t tell the gay guys, they’ll be shattered. Nil points.

If you were at the races you would have heard the non jealous people comment to how great the winner looked, but I guess you guys would never be asked to judge a fashion show, because your to busy on this website 🙂

Sad attempt to defend position too easily rebuffed eg. If we were at the races we still mightn’t have heard all “the non jealous people”, possibly because we’d be laughing at the pissed, over-dressed slappers wobbling about on their heels in the queue for the port-a-loo … One point (just for sympathy)

Four points out of a possible twenty. I think we can do better people.

I don’t have a girlfriend / wife because I am not gay. Isn’t it OK to be Hetro anymore ?

I wasn’t at the track because I grew up there and quite frankly it gets boring. We won the Black Opal years ago, before it became a ‘joke’ of a fashion show. Used to be good back then when the horses were the center of attention, BUT we all know these type of women, have to be the center of attention everywhere.

Soon it will be called “Black Fashion and Opal Show” with a horse race or two thrown in….Maybe they could dress the horses in hats and let the ‘designers’ ride them!!

I don’t understand fashion. My wife does though. and warhammer? never played. is it good?

pizza has an average life of 30mins in my house.

so… must be an exception to the rule?

don’t go to the track, but that is my personal decision.

as a flame, not the best i have seen, no CAPS, mis spells or youse.

pity really.

You could get sour warheads or hot warheads. They were great.

I haven’t seen them in a very long time.

If I recall correctly, War Heads were a type of lollie, very sour in flavour.

they were. i loved the sadomasochistic little buggers. whatever happened to warheads?

Agreed jakez. Winner by default.

Ahh, de-fault. The two sweetest words in the English language.

I think it’s safe to say that none of you were at the races on Sunday because you were too busy playing War Heads and eating left over pizza from 2 weeks ago.

No, I wasn’t at the races because I think it is cruel and demeaning to the animals, I am not addicted to gambling, and jockeys scare me.

If I recall correctly, War Heads were a type of lollie, very sour in flavour.

It is very unlikely that I would ever let pizza get more then a day or two old without having eaten it.

1. What qualifies as a ‘loser comment’?

2. I play Killzone on Playstation 3 and have a girlfriend who is a billion times hotter than the chick that won the competition.

3. They shoot horses don’t they?

Sitck that in your pipe and flame it.

Shorter fotw: “NERDS!”

Sleaz’ Smyth Smiting was a laser-targetted burst of flame.
This is just crap.

Agreed jakez. Winner by default.

I did not find this one compelling really. It’s so cookie cutter. There’s no style, wit, or originality.

This ones a paper champion, it’s only won because there is nothing else to take up the challenge.

can we draft a set of classic nutter indicators? i would like to proffer the first two:

1. claim that criticised website is crap and frequented by losers, yet ironically nutter clearly considered it worthwhile signing up with just to say that, and

2. nutter’s use of awful grammar and spelling (including my pet hate misuse of ‘your’ *shudder*).

OOOhhh she has attacked us with +5 bitchiness and used the horn of the mad cow to smite us all.

Wow the internet has some really naive corners.

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