Time to fess up. Which one of you has been illegally dumping stuff?
Apparently cleaning up illegally disposed of rubbish cost the Government $1.4 million last year, so it’s understandable why they’re a bit miffed.
“Our city rangers responded to nearly 500 reports of illegal dumping and littering last financial year, a figure which we hope will be reduced over the next year,” Jane Carder, Manager, Place Management, City Services said today.
“We are serious about finding and charging the people who are responsible for illegally
disposing of rubbish.”
The most common kinds of illegally dumped rubbish found by city rangers include construction materials, abandoned vehicles, garden clippings and household goods.
“Littering is another problem we face. It is the most visible sign of pollution and remains a major environmental issue, especially through the build up of litter we see from people throwing food wrappers and cigarettes out of car windows,” Ms Carder said.
“I encourage people who witness or know of illegal dumping and littering, to report them via the form available at www.tams.act.gov.au.
“When reporting these acts, the following information helps us to successfully find and
prosecute the responsible person:
• street location of illegal dumping/littering
• type of material dumped/littered, and whether you believe its constitutes a hazard
• date and time of dumping/littering
• associated vehicle, registration number
• photograph of the incident(s) may assist the prosecution
• contact details for any witness.
“People found guilty of littering will be fined between $60 and $200, while illegal dumping related fines can be as high as $5000.
“In the last financial year, over $11,000 worth of fines were issued for littering.