The Tall Poppy Science Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of Australia’s scientific researchers and communicators.
Dr Niraj Lal won the 2013 ACT Young Tall Poppy Science Award and The Australian National University Medal for the ACT Young Tall Poppy of the year.
Dr Lal’s research in nanophotonics, photovoltaics and renewable energy impressed the judges.
Along with his research Dr Lal has also been busy presenting his public show ‘The Science of Electricity’ at ANU, Questacon and for the University of the Third Age, a virtual online university.
He was awarded a 2013 National Science Week grant to develop a show about the science of light for high school students, and was also invited to be one of 100 Canberran scientists to speak at Questacon as part of its 100°C centenary celebrations.
“It’s lovely to receive an award for research and science communication, and continue in the footsteps of my supervisor Dr Kylie Catchpole who was herself an ACT Young Tall Poppy in 2009,” Dr Lal said.
“For me, the best bit isn’t the gong itself, but the support for doing science communication. I love it, and reckon it’s super important for academia to do.”