The Emergency Services Agency is warning that they’re planning to light some fires this week in the name of hazard reduction.
- The burns are to take place on Tuesday 7 in Flat Rock Spur in the Bendora Area of Namadgi National Park and on Wednesday 8 April 2009 in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and Black Mountain Nature Reserves.
The burn at Flat Rock Spur in Namadgi, which is to take place on Tuesday 7 April, will be a large burn and is expected to produce smoke for up to a week.
Like in all controlled burns, safety will be of paramount importance. Experienced fire managers supported by trained fire-fighters, will conduct the burning operation.
Temporary smoke cover is likely to occur. Every effort will be made to conduct the burn in weather conditions that will minimise the impact of smoke in the area.
So some cracking sunsets coming right up then.