TAMS are asking you to let baby magpies be:
Echoing the recent plea from the RSPCA-ACT, Territory and Municipal Services rangers today urged the public not to mistakenly rescue baby magpies that may appear to be abandoned on the ground.
“Each year, many members of the public make the kind-hearted mistake of assuming a fledgling is injured or abandoned, and attempt to rescue the bird and take it to the RSPCA,” Kristy Gould, Parks and Conservation Ranger, said today.
“It’s not often the young birds are injured, rather, they are still mastering the essential skill of flying.
The parents of the fledgling are usually close by watching over the bird as it learns to take flight. This learning process can take a couple of days; however some fledglings may take longer than others.
“If people believe the fledgling is in harm’s way, for example if there is a dog or a cat nearby, place the bird back in the nest or leave them as high as possible near the nest.”
[Photo by Toby Hudson, Via Wikimedia]