It’s not like garbage collection is an occasional activity for the ACT Government. It’s as core a function as things get.
So the only reason to outsource it was always to let someone else screw over the workers.
The Canberra Times has the thrilling news that new contractor SITA might be good at ripping $200 a week from the pay of the drivers, but they had no blithering idea about the work required to fulfil their contract:
Acting director of ACT NOWaste, David Roberts, said the territory’s new garbage and recycling collection contractor SITA Australia had underestimated how much waste would be deposited at the four recycling drop off centres across the city and had missed collections.
“It’s unfortunate that there’s a particular large load. It’s only when a new contract is starting that there seems to be a problem. We are apologetic and we have underestimated how these locations are used. We have recognised the error and will rectify it,” Mr Roberts said.