11 May 2009

Prisoners Whinge About New Gaol

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Unfortunately I can’t find a link, but was flicking through the Canberra Times today and came across an article regarding prisoner complaints (from AMC) regarding such things as small meal portions, poor quality food, lack of clothing provided, and the place being too cold.

I believe families of a couple of prisoners contacted the media, hence the story.

I guess the nice new human rights compliant prison isn’t quite nice enough for some people.

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Reprobate said :

Ozhair said :

As usual with a lot of discussions on here, sides are being taken without the benefit of the full facts.

While I personally believe that time in gaol should be in no way easy, in the case of the AMC, arguments from both sides at the moment are purely speculation.

If you’re looking for facts, RiotACT is the wrong place to find them. Pure speculation, half-baked opinions, conspiracy theories, unfounded accusations, nutbag rantings and a few nice photos are the heart and soul of this place. That’s why I keep coming back.

well said, reprobate.

This is RiotACT – everyone’s in a snappy mood here! 🙂

Sorry, I’m in a snappy mood today. And excuse my poor spelling also.

None at all – but I thought it’d help pass the time!

Mr Evil said :

There are also probably quite a few homeless people in New York who have never met a homeless person from Canberra – maybe we should set up a homeless persons exchange?


There are also probably quite a few homeless people in New York who have never met a homeless person from Canberra – maybe we should set up a homeless persons exchange?

There are also probably quite a few homeless people from NY who’d have a lot of sympathy for the homeless people in Canberra complaining about being homeless.

There are probably quite a few homeless people in Canberra at this time of year who’d have a lot of sympathy for those prisoners complaining about the cold and the poor quality food at the AMC…..

Ozhair said :

As usual with a lot of discussions on here, sides are being taken without the benefit of the full facts.

While I personally believe that time in gaol should be in no way easy, in the case of the AMC, arguments from both sides at the moment are purely speculation.

If you’re looking for facts, RiotACT is the wrong place to find them. Pure speculation, half-baked opinions, conspiracy theories, unfounded accusations, nutbag rantings and a few nice photos are the heart and soul of this place. That’s why I keep coming back.

Forgot to mention that apparently AMC was given an inspection at the beginning of the month and it was given the thumbs up.

As usual with a lot of discussions on here, sides are being taken without the benefit of the full facts.

As someone has already stated, a place like the AMC should meet some kind of minimum standards. Are the prisoners complaining because those standards aren’t being met? Buggered if I know. And I doubt anyone here really knows, either.

Are the food portions and standards really inadequate? Maybe. Or maybe the prisoners are just pissed because they can’t have the two Big Mac Greaseburgers with extra fries that they’d normally have on the outside, and are being served some rubbish called vegetables.

While I personally believe that time in gaol should be in no way easy, in the case of the AMC, arguments from both sides at the moment are purely speculation.

Thanks Jakez, you got it.

To be fair I think he was being facetious at first and then just making an observation about the ostensible ease of getting bail.

I don’t agree, but I don’t think he was defending ‘guilty until proven innocent’.

Pommy bastard12:01 pm 12 May 09

FC said :

Yeah cos making prisoners cold and not giving them enough to eat is really going to stop re-offending. 😐

It baffles me how you guys JUST DON’T GET IT!

Oh we get it alright. It’s just that we don’t see a causal link between getting platefuls of grub and/or having the heating turned up, and reoffending.

Perhaps you can enlighten us?

Are you seriously telling us that giving crims good food and heated rooms will make them say; “Oh gosh, they treated me well in there,I’ve learned me lesson good and proper.It’s the straight and narrow for me from now on guv.”

Reprobate said :

jakez said :

To ignore the usual ‘derrrrrr they’re criminals derrrr assrapings for all of them derrrrrr’ ramblings, I’ll make one quick point and someone can correct me if this is wrong.

AMC should include people who have not yet been convicted of a crime. What conditions should these people be subjected to?

Guilty until proven otherwise. Just like the Gov’t treats anyone who gets a speed camera fine.

Removing the tounge from my cheek, if they’re in there they would have been arrested and before a court already, no? Given our judiciary’s apparent hate for incarcerating anyone anytime, chances are those who are in gaol deserve to be there.

Like that guy in the media recently who has spent around 10 years in gaol and has now had the charges dropped. yeah that guy really deserved it.

the same as all those in America who have been murdered by the state and then proven innocent. they really deserved that too…

Reprobate said :

jakez said :

To ignore the usual ‘derrrrrr they’re criminals derrrr assrapings for all of them derrrrrr’ ramblings, I’ll make one quick point and someone can correct me if this is wrong.

AMC should include people who have not yet been convicted of a crime. What conditions should these people be subjected to?

Guilty until proven otherwise. Just like the Gov’t treats anyone who gets a speed camera fine.

Removing the tounge from my cheek, if they’re in there they would have been arrested and before a court already, no? Given our judiciary’s apparent hate for incarcerating anyone anytime, chances are those who are in gaol deserve to be there.

Let me get this straight. Your argument is that people are ‘guilty until proven innocent’ and that anyone who is arrested deserves to be treated like sh1t, because ‘they probably did it’.

Where did you get your law degree from?

jakez said :

To ignore the usual ‘derrrrrr they’re criminals derrrr assrapings for all of them derrrrrr’ ramblings, I’ll make one quick point and someone can correct me if this is wrong.

AMC should include people who have not yet been convicted of a crime. What conditions should these people be subjected to?

Guilty until proven otherwise. Just like the Gov’t treats anyone who gets a speed camera fine.

Removing the tounge from my cheek, if they’re in there they would have been arrested and before a court already, no? Given our judiciary’s apparent hate for incarcerating anyone anytime, chances are those who are in gaol deserve to be there.

To ignore the usual ‘derrrrrr they’re criminals derrrr assrapings for all of them derrrrrr’ ramblings, I’ll make one quick point and someone can correct me if this is wrong.

AMC should include people who have not yet been convicted of a crime. What conditions should these people be subjected to?

Yeah cos making prisoners cold and not giving them enough to eat is really going to stop re-offending.

Taken to the extreme it will…

But you have a valid point. Someone has to make a judgement about what a minimum standard is when it comes to food, and there will always be complaints. Not giving them enough clothes to stay warm though should be easy enough to fix.

Yeah cos making prisoners cold and not giving them enough to eat is really going to stop re-offending. 😐

It baffles me how you guys JUST DON’T GET IT!

OH BOO WOO the CRIMINALS are cold and don’t like their food. Hopefully what ever time they spend in that gaol will make them think twice before committing other crime as they don’t wish to return to that shity food and are chilly.

Prisoners will always whinge about something. They cook their own meals as part of rehabilitation and learning hospitality skills so they can only blame themselves. They could probably request to crochet themselves some better clothes and blankies too.

I hope they didn’t tip the concierge then..

economicrisis093:50 pm 11 May 09

They should get basic provisions that include enough food and cloths for warmth. I think the punishment of going to jail is not the conditions its the fact that you will probably be raped or become addicted to drugs. Doesn’t sound that fun to me.

Alas! And all this could have been avoided by choosing to FOLLOW THE LAW….


Pommy bastard3:20 pm 11 May 09

Oh, my heart bleeds…

Poor souls. They should be let out on leave in order to mug someone for the cash to buy better food.

and unheated houses are a rarity in Canberra.

Unless you are a student. Plenty of share houses with a single unworking heater in them…

I second that. I know lots of houses without heating. Of course, they should be able to wear five layers of cloths and a couple of blankets….

Rebos said :

Um, hello guys – it’s a prison, not a holiday camp.

I saw a show on Fox, worlds hardest prisons, where up at Berrimah gaol/jail in Northern Territory they have all the mod cons. The Governor justified this by stating that the punishment was actually the fact that the person was removed from society, not by having Gulag type conditions. I am a bit concerned about what the re-offend statistics may be using this philosophy. Why would you want to get out!

Yeah right. Virtually everyone would be out there committing crimes if prisons were better heated.

Um, hello guys – it’s a prison, not a holiday camp.

I saw a show on Fox, worlds hardest prisons, where up at Berrimah gaol/jail in Northern Territory they have all the mod cons. The Governor justified this by stating that the punishment was actually the fact that the person was removed from society, not by having Gulag type conditions. I am a bit concerned about what the re-offend statistics may be using this philosophy. Why would you want to get out!

Whatsup said :

They should snuggle up to their snazzy flat screen TVs, they are supposed to put out a bit of heat.

Well being jail ‘n all I guess they can snuggle up to each other … :]

harvyk1 said :

FC – I’ve lived in an unheated house. It got pretty cold in there. Portable heaters didn’t really do a lot of that place either… (No insulation)

As for the prison being too cold \ not enough food. Dry your eyes princess. Provided you don’t stave to death or freeze to death then I don’t see the problem.

Grow up.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy12:01 pm 11 May 09


they could always snuggle up to this bloke…….

They should snuggle up to their snazzy flat screen TVs, they are supposed to put out a bit of heat.

FC – I’ve lived in an unheated house. It got pretty cold in there. Portable heaters didn’t really do a lot of that place either… (No insulation)

As for the prison being too cold \ not enough food. Dry your eyes princess. Provided you don’t stave to death or freeze to death then I don’t see the problem.

I read the article too, apparently the crims are a but cross about the quality and quantity of food they are getting at AMC. A partner of one of the prisoners was quoted as saying he said he was “starving, so hungry”.

Personally I’d like to see a couple of pipelines set up from the nearby KFC and Tip Top bakery at Fyshwick to send the smell of food to the gaol so they are reminded of what they are missing out on.

And if they continue to grumble about their meals, maybe give them a presentation on what they would get in an average third world gaol, or the food given to POW’s in years gone by. Come to think of it, maybe we could get them building a light rail line…

FC said :

and unheated houses are a rarity in Canberra.

Unless you are a student. Plenty of share houses with a single unworking heater in them…

This is just so ACT Government, you couldn’t have scripted it better.

Spend a squillion dollars on fluffy crap, then overlook the basics, like heating that actually works properly.

I will predict with absolute confidence that next summer they will be complaining about the heat, as its a sure thing the aircon will be inadequate.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.

Oh, and Harden Up.

willo said :

give em cigarettes and lighters…..that’ll keep em warm

apparently a cigarette lowers your body temperature by 1 degree.
I remember hearing that in high school anyway. So don’t quote me on it..

ant said :

I live in an unheated house (the sun usually makes it bearable). I bet that gaol has more heating than my place. Give them At Lowes! fleeces, and whack in some extra budget doonas. Give them hats.

Did you not see above where it says “Lack of clothing provided.” I’m sure you get to wear a jumper to keep warm on the cold nights.

and unheated houses are a rarity in Canberra.

Give ’em exercise bikes rigged up to the generators. Let them peddle for their heating.

give em cigarettes and lighters…..that’ll keep em warm

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy10:19 am 11 May 09

Do the fat pricks good to lose some weight.

I live in an unheated house (the sun usually makes it bearable). I bet that gaol has more heating than my place. Give them At Lowes! fleeces, and whack in some extra budget doonas. Give them hats.

Mr Evil said :

Um, hello guys – it’s a prison, not a holiday camp.

Who said anything about it being a holiday camp?
Having warmth in this Canberra weather is hardly a luxury. Its more of a necessity.

Um, hello guys – it’s a prison, not a holiday camp.

Trunking symbols9:51 am 11 May 09

“Poor quality food”? “Small portions?” Has Kevin Rudd taken up digs at the AMC?

ant said :

The prisoners are unhappy? Good.

If they’re cold, get ’em some 20-dollar doonas from the local Made In China cheap shops.

Yeah – that makes sense. try and solve one human rights issue by supporting another..


give em some newspapers to stuff in their clothes…

The prisoners are unhappy? Good.

If they’re cold, get ’em some 20-dollar doonas from the local Made In China cheap shops.

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