12 May 2009

Attention Belconnenites - Bus chaos commences on 25 May

| johnboy
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The Chiefly Jon Stanhope is warning you that the complete evisceration of bus services in and around Belconnen will take place in just two weeks time.

    From Monday May 25 the Belconnen Bus Interchange will be permanently closed. Bus services will operate through two temporary bus stations located on Cameron Avenue and Lathlain Street. A new permanent bus station on Cohen Street will also operate from May 25. All bus routes passing through the Belconnen Town Centre will pass through all three bus stations.

    The Belconnen Bus Interchange will eventually be replaced by four bus stations. As a result of the redevelopments most ACTION bus timetables will have changes to times or directions.

    “New ACTION bus timetables commence on Monday May 25 to coincide with the multimillion-dollar Belconnen Town Centre improvements being undertaken by the ACT Government in partnership with Westfield,” Mr Stanhope said. “The bus timetables have been adjusted to accommodate the major changes to the Belconnen Town Centre and the decommissioning of the Belconnen Bus Interchange.

    “The new timetables also include several additional and extended routes to meet increased demand elsewhere in Canberra. A new bus route – Xpresso 980 – will service Fyshwick from Civic during peak periods. Morning and afternoon bus services to Majura Business Park have also been extended to reflect the growing commercial opportunities in this area.

One can hope that someone’s joined up all the dots and it will all run smoothly. But given the confusion in the process to date does anyone have much confidence?

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GnT said :

What is this obsession with interchanges? The are dirty, dark and attract antisocial behaviour. They’re useless if they are not right where you want to be. A series of stops is far more practical and will get you exactly where you want to go. All you need is a road and a stop – the interchange is a waste of space.

No it isn’t,an interchange by its name implies an area where you move from one bus to another. Come with me Monday week and see how well it goes trying tofind the bus I need when there are people everywhere and noo one actually understanding how it works.

– The busway that currently exists (though not of use at the moment) between the current interchange and Florey will be gone.

Of all the changes to happen, this strikes me as the most stupid. Why it couldn’t be included into the new plan eludes me. I suspect the ability to “develop” it might have been a factor…

Just to clarify in response to a couple of the above posts:

– The busway that currently exists (though not of use at the moment) between the current interchange and Florey will be gone.

– Some of that busway space will be taken up by extending Cohen Street from Lathlain down to Benjamin Way.

– No plans have been announced for the rest of that corridor north of the Westfield extension (no doubt slated for development).

– The current bus interchange space will be made to look more like a street and the buses will flow down there.

– There is not going to be an interchange. Nobody is splitting the bus stops between an east and west. All buses to Belco will stop at all four bus stations.

– When talking about light-rail, don’t think of Melbourne’s trams.

The urban sprawl of the 60 certainly was not tram/light rail friendly for sure, but the arterial roads still followed Griffens design idea and were made with light rail in mind. Indeed as pointed about before Belconnen interchange was designed with it in mind too.

As for interchanges, I for one would rather be in one of them rather than waiting on the street at a bus stop to change buses. As sad as it may be to many changing buses is essential in Canberra except for a suburban to (local) town centre journey. Security of having other people around being one prime consideration.

Pandy said :

WBG designed what is now north and south Canberra for “streetcars” and heavy commuter rail in the days before cars became the aspirational freedom machines that are they are today. Modern Canberra from the 60s was designed around the car.

Pandy, you obviously missed the video posted to the light rail thread about exactly how and why the car took over from the streetcar. Very informative and gives a new perspective on how car companies (one in particular) shafted us all with public transport. Infact, it almost seems from watching that video that the ACT government learnt some tricks from them.

I agree with GnT. I’ve been at the Belconnen Bus Interchange to catch a bus after work. While I was waiting for a bus around 5.15pm I observed the following: one young girl around 15 yrs pacing around yelling into her mobile phone the entire time I was there how she was going to bash this other girl and the language was emphasised with the usual expletives. At the same time this was happening another girl got up from the next bay and came around to my bay and vomited on the concrete where we stand – never attempted to get to the gutter to do this – then turned around and went back to her bay area and sat down.

The other day, two guys were drunk carrying still drinking from their stubbies with the one saying to put the bottle in the back pocket if the bus pulls up before he’s finished. I’ve been asked for money, cigarettes from these types and this all happens within the 10 minutes that I stand there – and how annoying it is when the bus turns up late – thanks ACTION.

What is this obsession with interchanges? The are dirty, dark and attract antisocial behaviour. They’re useless if they are not right where you want to be. A series of stops is far more practical and will get you exactly where you want to go. All you need is a road and a stop – the interchange is a waste of space.

WBG designed what is now north and south Canberra for “streetcars” and heavy commuter rail in the days before cars became the aspirational freedom machines that are they are today. Modern Canberra from the 60s was designed around the car.

I note that no money was given to Light Rail for Canberra in the budget.

MrPC said :

As far as I can see, the plan is to spend the next few years building a new busway through the site of the current bus interchange, but instead of dropping down to Benjamin Way, it will continue above Benjamin Way, into a new interchange at Westfields, where buses heading up the busway to nowhere can go straight ahead down a new ramp, and those terminating or heading on local routes to the west diverge in the current government carpark near the police station and head straight ahead up the hill to the depot from there. It will streamline things immensely.

There is not going to be an interchange at Westfield, it is just gonna be a glorified stop like the rest of them. You will also find there is no ramp down to the current busway for west bound buses, they will continue to do the street running as they will when the interchange closes down.

As I understand it the main stop will be in the location of the current interchange.

MrPC said :

As for Light Rail, blah, I’m not fussed. Canberra will never get trams, it was never designed for them and trams are not that useful anyway. Canberra might one day get trains though, and they can be elevated or in subway, so design isn’t especially relevant to this bus interchange.

Trams have fewer seats than buses of an equivalent length, since design compromises usually require the entire tram to be low floor wheelchair accessible (meaning space is taken away from passengers to allow for the wheels to rise into the compartment) whereas with buses only the section from the front door to the centre door is low floor. Besides, there are only two ways to make trams effective. You can either put in so much engineering work that you may as well have built heavy rail so that the trains rise above or drop below traffic, or alternately, you can put in the sort of traffic light priority measures that you may as well do with buses.

Whilst I do agree that Canberra doesn’t need trams due to our population density and cost, the city was actually designed for them, right from Walter’s first plan. Indeed the same design elements have been continued to this day.

Trams do have a place and are more than glorifed buses, just go to any European city with them in large numbers to see how they and other forms of public transport work together.

bd84 said :

Anyway once they’ve done belconnen they should start on Woden interchange, the current one should have been demolished years ago much like the one at Belconnen. It’s an eyesore and poorly designed for what is required these days. Plus it would probably reduce crime by 80% in Woden.

Though new interchanges is probably little incentive to catch buses that still don’t go anywhere quickly.

Well I was reading some ACT Government document that showed that Target was due to expand to Westfield Woden in 2009. It will be like 2000sqm. Planning work is due to begin for a new Woden Interchange this year.

Tuggeranong may follow, but for another 7-10 years. Then since City Interchange had the latest refurb, it will most likely be done in the next 10-15 years. It will most likely be replaced with a series of bus stations on London Circuit, Northbourne Ave & current City West Interchange.

Felix the Cat said :

What’s up with the formatting on this board? This (above) is the second post of mine that continued the italic font of the quote above it.

You probably missed a bracket somewhere..

Anyway once they’ve done belconnen they should start on Woden interchange, the current one should have been demolished years ago much like the one at Belconnen. It’s an eyesore and poorly designed for what is required these days. Plus it would probably reduce crime by 80% in Woden.

Though new interchanges is probably little incentive to catch buses that still don’t go anywhere quickly.

Felix the Cat8:28 pm 12 May 09

What’s up with the formatting on this board? This (above) is the second post of mine that continued the italic font of the quote above it.

Felix the Cat8:26 pm 12 May 09

TP 3000 said :

Tixylix said :

But Belconnen Town Centre will look different in a few years, with the Winchester Centre* being shut down…

Really? Why? It’s reasonably new (in comparison to the cop shop and the remand centre.

I’m all for the changes, even though I bought my first car a few weeks ago and now rarely use the buses (thankfully).

Whenever I want to go visit the bulk billing doctors surgery just up the hill from the bus depot, it’s tedious to merely read up on which routes are running on that day to that stop at The Basement. Now all the buses from the south/east/northeast will.

Ditto when I wanted to go ten pin bowling. Only two buses presently stop near the bowling alley. Now all the buses from the west/northwest will.

As far as I can see, the plan is to spend the next few years building a new busway through the site of the current bus interchange, but instead of dropping down to Benjamin Way, it will continue above Benjamin Way, into a new interchange at Westfields, where buses heading up the busway to nowhere can go straight ahead down a new ramp, and those terminating or heading on local routes to the west diverge in the current government carpark near the police station and head straight ahead up the hill to the depot from there. It will streamline things immensely.

Taking the bus layover functions away from central Belconnen and splitting them in half, over near the bowling alley and up outside the bus depot, simply makes sense regardless. It means buses can serve more actual destinations without hogging massive amounts of land near Benjamin Way that should be redeveloped pronto (along with the adjoining car parks). Major bus stops should be surrounded by actual destinations, not parking lots that bus passengers have to traipse through to get anywhere.

As for Light Rail, blah, I’m not fussed. Canberra will never get trams, it was never designed for them and trams are not that useful anyway. Canberra might one day get trains though, and they can be elevated or in subway, so design isn’t especially relevant to this bus interchange.

Trams have fewer seats than buses of an equivalent length, since design compromises usually require the entire tram to be low floor wheelchair accessible (meaning space is taken away from passengers to allow for the wheels to rise into the compartment) whereas with buses only the section from the front door to the centre door is low floor. Besides, there are only two ways to make trams effective. You can either put in so much engineering work that you may as well have built heavy rail so that the trains rise above or drop below traffic, or alternately, you can put in the sort of traffic light priority measures that you may as well do with buses.

Melbourne does neither, so the trams are merely running as glorified buses on high visibility routes. We don’t want that, don’t need that, and shouldn’t be focusing on styming bus interchange plans to achieve that.

Tempestas said :

Any sign of any shelters yet, no doubt they will be as sheltering as the ones in Civic.

The bus shelters will be those AdShel bus shelters, by 27th May 2009, expect a smashed window at each bus station

I heard a kid on the bus this afternoon talking to his mate, calling the new bus stops ‘shortchanges’ instead of ‘interchanges’.

The original design of the bus interchange allowed for inclusion of rail based rapid transit. .

See http://www.engineer.org.au/chapter03.html down where it says ‘belconnen interchange’.

In all the ‘new Belconnen interchange’ proposals that have been floating about since 2000 (when i moved to belconnen), future light rail use was included. As recently as the ‘time travelling busway’ this was the case.

“Of course if anyone thinks that all buses will always go through all stops for all time they are going to be dissapointed.

So will these new timetables allow lay overs at each stop or is it going to be a lot of there goes my bus…”

The ACT government has made it quite clear that ALL buses will stop at ALL of the four bus stations. This means not only will most route distance be longer, but the time (extra distance, where applicable, aside) will also take longer to get from A – B.

There’s also not going to be any physical space left for light rail to integrate with the buses, despite the government’s professed desire for it.

Tempestas said :

Of course if anyone thinks that all buses will always go through all stops for all time they are going to be dissapointed.

So will these new timetables allow lay overs at each stop or is it going to be a lot of there goes my bus…

Well actually all buses will have to more or less go through all stops. The reason being there is no where for the buses to terminate at the middle stops. So a bus from the west will have to go through all stops then to a driver layover area behind the ten pin bowling centre. Buses from the other direct run through all stops to a layover at the depot.

S4anta said :

Time for pubs to be located at each bus stop PM. do it, do it now!

Well… The Basement will be just across the road from one of the bus stations…

But I’ll remain at the Pot Belly, S4anta 🙂

I think there’ll be a lot of there goes my bus. As someone with a Vision Impairment, i think I’m goin gto miss more buses than i get. I can’t wait for the fun to begin.

Posh said :

Can’t wait til the 25th to see the chaos of people trying to cross the road on Cameron Avenue. At the moment you can hardly get across the road in the morning and afternoon with all the traffic going / coming out of the ABS carpark and the immigration staff driving to and from work along Cameron.

Pedestrian crossing wouldn’t have gone astray.

This is going to be the new accident centre of Belconnen. Here’s hoping no one is seriously injured or worse.

Any sign of any shelters yet, no doubt they will be as sheltering as the ones in Civic.

Of course if anyone thinks that all buses will always go through all stops for all time they are going to be dissapointed.

So will these new timetables allow lay overs at each stop or is it going to be a lot of there goes my bus…

Can’t wait til the 25th to see the chaos of people trying to cross the road on Cameron Avenue. At the moment you can hardly get across the road in the morning and afternoon with all the traffic going / coming out of the ABS carpark and the immigration staff driving to and from work along Cameron.

Pedestrian crossing wouldn’t have gone astray.

PM said :

More traffic, longer bus routes, less parking.

Time for pubs to be located at each bus stop PM. do it, do it now!

dvaey said :

Wouldn’t it make more sense to move that Emergency Services stuff that needed to be moved, out to the ESA headquarters in Curtin?

Well the ESA are moving over to a new headquarters (that is currently being built) out at Fairbairn Park. The helicopters that are currntly stored at Fairbairn Park during the fire season will now be stored out at SouthCare Helicopter Base, with a new training area there as well. RFS will move up the road to this new ESA base & all current ESA staff will move to the new Fairbairn Park base. This includes the Curtin building, equipment storage out at Belconnen & possibly workshop out at Kambah Fire Station. With all communication to go through the new Fyshwick building.

TP 3000 said :

All Emergency Services (Police, Fire, Ambulance, SES) is to be moved to a new building in Fyshwick & all other Police Operations are to be moved to Parkes (apparently).

Wouldnt it make more sense to move that Emergency Services stuff that needed to be moved, out to the ESA headquarters in Curtin?

More traffic, longer bus routes, less parking.

Tixylix said :

Is there a direct correlation between this development and the bunch of new traffic lights in Belco?

Yes, as every bus will run through Belconnen, lights were put in along Cohen Street & Emu Bank & for safety lights will be put in at Lathlain Street/Luxton Street.

If it is planned properly then this new system should work. But as everyone is aware of, all this was originally planned for just after the ANZAC Day long weekend.

But Belconnen Town Centre will look different in a few years, with the Winchester Centre* being shut down, Belconnen Remand Centre being demolished, new Belconnen Police Station & new buildings being built around the current Belconnen Interchange.

All Emergency Services (Police, Fire, Ambulance, SES) is to be moved to a new building in Fyshwick & all other Police Operations are to be moved to Parkes (apparently). With a new Belconnen Police Station being built on the current Winchester Centre. Well that is the plan.

Is there a direct correlation between this development and the bunch of new traffic lights in Belco?

ugh. I hope I have my new wheels by then.
so over Action buses as it is!

(although without them I would ahve been screwed the last few weeks)

But given the confusion in the process to date does anyone have much confidence?


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