ACT Policing were required to respond to numerous incidents of disorderly behaviour and traffic hazards by graduating students from Marist College in Civic early this morning (Sunday, 1 December).
Around 2am police received reports of over 120 students congregated in the Pitts car park, Civic prior to commencing a walk southbound along the Commonwealth Avenue finishing in Pearce.
Police received several calls from members of the public reporting that the crowd was disrupting traffic flow in the vicinity of Capital Circle by walking and running onto the roadway to stop traffic – endangering not only themselves but others.
Ten general duties patrols attended and escorted the group but were forced on several occasions to block traffic along Adelaide Avenue and Melrose Drive to ensure the safety of individuals marching, many of whom were intoxicated and displaying aggressive behaviour.
Police vehicles were intermittingly hit with rocks and police officers abused by members of the crowd.
Upon arrival at Marist College students were asked to move on and the crowd dispersed within 15 minutes.
During the walk three males were arrested for breach of the peace and released soon after.
Acting Superintendent Jo Cameron said the prime objective of police during the walk was to keep the crowd moving towards Marist College whilst minimising disruption to traffic and preventing injury to pedestrians.
“As we pointed out in our recent stand up on school formals police are not against students having a good time but if things get out of hand action will be taken,” Acting Superintendent Cameron said.
“We encourage everyone to go out and have a good time but police along with the community will in no way tolerate anti-social behaviour that could put themselves and other lives at risk.”
[Courtesy ACT Policing]