1 December 2013

The Marist riot

| johnboy
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ACT Policing were required to respond to numerous incidents of disorderly behaviour and traffic hazards by graduating students from Marist College in Civic early this morning (Sunday, 1 December).

Around 2am police received reports of over 120 students congregated in the Pitts car park, Civic prior to commencing a walk southbound along the Commonwealth Avenue finishing in Pearce.

Police received several calls from members of the public reporting that the crowd was disrupting traffic flow in the vicinity of Capital Circle by walking and running onto the roadway to stop traffic – endangering not only themselves but others.

Ten general duties patrols attended and escorted the group but were forced on several occasions to block traffic along Adelaide Avenue and Melrose Drive to ensure the safety of individuals marching, many of whom were intoxicated and displaying aggressive behaviour.

Police vehicles were intermittingly hit with rocks and police officers abused by members of the crowd.

Upon arrival at Marist College students were asked to move on and the crowd dispersed within 15 minutes.

During the walk three males were arrested for breach of the peace and released soon after.

Acting Superintendent Jo Cameron said the prime objective of police during the walk was to keep the crowd moving towards Marist College whilst minimising disruption to traffic and preventing injury to pedestrians.

“As we pointed out in our recent stand up on school formals police are not against students having a good time but if things get out of hand action will be taken,” Acting Superintendent Cameron said.

“We encourage everyone to go out and have a good time but police along with the community will in no way tolerate anti-social behaviour that could put themselves and other lives at risk.”

[Courtesy ACT Policing]

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Perhaps one of the lessons the students should have learned was not to drink to excess, or let their friends drink to excess?

Queen_of_the_Bun11:43 pm 05 Dec 13

RationalMind said :

Skidbladnir said :

RationalMind said :

smiling politely said :

Interesting. So what are the parallels between walking from Civic back to the school with the journey you made as part of your schooling?

They were both long, exhausting journeys and as a cohort, we all helped each other to succeed to the end whilst having a laugh with mates.

I think you may have confused Bound and the walk back from Civic there, buddy.

Well, that’s how I see it; we can even apply the same principles to outward bound here as well.

They all were certainly long, exhausting journeys, we all helped each other to succeed until the end, whether it’s through helping a mate out with an assignment, providing simple things on walkback such as lots of water or just simply lifting spirits with a good belting out of Great Man of God or Sub Tuum or giving helping out clean the dishes on outward bound and we all certainly had a good laugh on the way.

You sound like an intelligent young human. Or the school’s PR person. Either way, I don’t think you acknowledge the impact that stupid people have on your brand through their bad behaviour.
PS I grew up in Brisbane where Marist was where the poor people sent their boys, so I find this elitist talk all a bit odd.

Certainly an improvement on the usual calibre of posts of people defending themselves/relatives/dead mouthbreather on the riot-act. Well done.

Trickster_Travis12:57 am 05 Dec 13

milkman said :

Such a lot of discussion over a few drunk d***heads getting rowdy.

These kids were acting like tools, but life goes on.

He knows what’s up. They were just acting like idiots, no two ways about it. They were aggressive to the police, loud and a nuisance, but no one was injured, and it sure hasn’t stopped you from living.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd9:59 pm 04 Dec 13

LSWCHP said :

RationalMind said :

…a lot of mostly reasonable stuff, with an explanation, an apology and a but of humility.

And quite notably, written in coherent English.

Good work mate. A pity you didn’t get here ahead of some of your less sensible classmate. Unlike King Charles, I do wish you well for your future life and career after graduation.

But don’t forget, a man is known by the company he keeps. Choose your friends well.

From the comments here, it seems it will be a very long time before they become men.

Give up lads, trying to argue against these clueless, elitist, one sided ‘warriors of canberra’ is like trying to convince the Westboro Baptist Church that homosexuality isn’t a sin.

Such a lot of discussion over a few drunk d***heads getting rowdy.

These kids were acting like tools, but life goes on.

RationalMind said :

…a lot of mostly reasonable stuff, with an explanation, an apology and a but of humility.

And quite notably, written in coherent English.

Good work mate. A pity you didn’t get here ahead of some of your less sensible classmate. Unlike King Charles, I do wish you well for your future life and career after graduation.

But don’t forget, a man is known by the company he keeps. Choose your friends well.

Watson said :

It’s usually the defensive reactions that make the whole thing look much worse than it is.

I didn’t even read the media reports but what I got from the apologist comments on here was that at least some of these Marist boys have no sense of community spirit whatsoever.
1. Using a “they were strangers, why would they care if we call them names” defense.
2. Using the “It was only 3 hours out of a year” defense. And if there are a few groups of selfish teenagers that think like you, it all adds up and makes people feel unsafe in their own town.
3. Calling the public school students scum. Because your parents’ ability to pay a few thousand dollars a year for your education automatically elevates you from scum status. Clearly.
4. Assuming that police are paid to have abuse hurled at them. That’s a very bad use of my tax money. I am more than happy however to pay for them to come down like a ton of bricks when anyone calls them names, attempts to physically hurt them or treats them with disrespect. Because if they don’t nip that kind of behaviour in the butt, there’s a bigger chance that I’ll have to deal with it at some stage and I’m not game. I’ve never had anything but great service from the ACT police. They’ve always treated me in a respectful way, even when I was in the wrong. This is not Moscow and the police is nobody’s enemy, unless you break the law.
5. Calling people plebs when you feel you are losing the argument. Covered in a previous comment.

Do yourself a favour and walk away, lads. Your dignity is long gone, so don’t hang around to try find it again.

Great summary Watson, and good advice.

RationalMind6:41 pm 04 Dec 13

Skidbladnir said :

RationalMind said :

smiling politely said :

Interesting. So what are the parallels between walking from Civic back to the school with the journey you made as part of your schooling?

They were both long, exhausting journeys and as a cohort, we all helped each other to succeed to the end whilst having a laugh with mates.

I think you may have confused Bound and the walk back from Civic there, buddy.

Well, that’s how I see it; we can even apply the same principles to outward bound here as well.

They all were certainly long, exhausting journeys, we all helped each other to succeed until the end, whether it’s through helping a mate out with an assignment, providing simple things on walkback such as lots of water or just simply lifting spirits with a good belting out of Great Man of God or Sub Tuum or giving helping out clean the dishes on outward bound and we all certainly had a good laugh on the way.

RationalMind said :

smiling politely said :

Interesting. So what are the parallels between walking from Civic back to the school with the journey you made as part of your schooling?

They were both long, exhausting journeys and as a cohort, we all helped each other to succeed to the end whilst having a laugh with mates.

I think you may have confused Bound and the walk back from Civic there, buddy.

RationalMind5:31 pm 04 Dec 13

smiling politely said :

RationalMind said :

Because symbolically, it’s not the destination which is the great part of our schooling, it is the journey we took which made it so great.

Interesting. So what are the parallels between walking from Civic back to the school with the journey you made as part of your schooling?

They were both long, exhausting journeys and as a cohort, we all helped each other to succeed to the end whilst having a laugh with mates.

smiling politely4:02 pm 04 Dec 13

RationalMind said :

Because symbolically, it’s not the destination which is the great part of our schooling, it is the journey we took which made it so great.

Interesting. So what are the parallels between walking from Civic back to the school with the journey you made as part of your schooling?

RationalMind2:58 pm 04 Dec 13

smiling politely said :

RationalMind said :

…I use the word symbolically very loosely. The point is rather that it’ll be the last time all of us boys will be together on the actual campus.

Sure. So, given this, why not gather at the campus?

Because symbolically, it’s not the destination which is the great part of our schooling, it is the journey we took which made it so great.

smiling politely2:48 pm 04 Dec 13

RationalMind said :

…I use the word symbolically very loosely. The point is rather that it’ll be the last time all of us boys will be together on the actual campus.

Sure. So, given this, why not gather at the campus?

RationalMind2:15 pm 04 Dec 13

smiling politely said :

RationalMind said :

…It’s simply the fact that walkback is about doing something together as a whole cohort for the last time and celebrating the fact that we’ve finally graduated. It’s not only an activity, but a symbol of us finally finishing our schooling life…

Query – wouldn’t it therefore be more symbolically appropriate to walk *from* Marist *to* somewhere else?

I use the word symbolically very loosely. The point is rather that it’ll be the last time all of us boys will be together on the actual campus.

smiling politely1:43 pm 04 Dec 13

RationalMind said :

…It’s simply the fact that walkback is about doing something together as a whole cohort for the last time and celebrating the fact that we’ve finally graduated. It’s not only an activity, but a symbol of us finally finishing our schooling life…

Query – wouldn’t it therefore be more symbolically appropriate to walk *from* Marist *to* somewhere else?

It’s usually the defensive reactions that make the whole thing look much worse than it is.

I didn’t even read the media reports but what I got from the apologist comments on here was that at least some of these Marist boys have no sense of community spirit whatsoever.
1. Using a “they were strangers, why would they care if we call them names” defense.
2. Using the “It was only 3 hours out of a year” defense. And if there are a few groups of selfish teenagers that think like you, it all adds up and makes people feel unsafe in their own town.
3. Calling the public school students scum. Because your parents’ ability to pay a few thousand dollars a year for your education automatically elevates you from scum status. Clearly.
4. Assuming that police are paid to have abuse hurled at them. That’s a very bad use of my tax money. I am more than happy however to pay for them to come down like a ton of bricks when anyone calls them names, attempts to physically hurt them or treats them with disrespect. Because if they don’t nip that kind of behaviour in the butt, there’s a bigger chance that I’ll have to deal with it at some stage and I’m not game. I’ve never had anything but great service from the ACT police. They’ve always treated me in a respectful way, even when I was in the wrong. This is not Moscow and the police is nobody’s enemy, unless you break the law.
5. Calling people plebs when you feel you are losing the argument. Covered in a previous comment.

Do yourself a favour and walk away, lads. Your dignity is long gone, so don’t hang around to try find it again.

pezza said :

“Boys will be boys”, yes. But how do those boys grow and learn to become young men? By being called out when they do the wrong thing. You know, like what’s happening here. All the people here being critical of you are, whether intentionally or not, helping you grow from this event.

I agree with this. I guess my only differentiation is the seriousness with which people object. It’s more of a passing annoyance punishable by something minor rather than the serious offence that some people make it sound to be. It’s not murder people, it’s teenagers doing the wrong thing during an occasion that often has the same result. It’s not something you wouldn’t expect. Sure, it’s fine to tell them they shouldn’t do that and reprimand them and that may be your role in this, but I wouldn’t get so stressed about it, it’s not good for your health. A lot of people in Canberra get extremely upset over things and overreact. You’d obviously emphasise to the students that they are doing the wrong thing and that it’s serious, but to yourself you’d generally not care too much and that’s the healthiest way to do it.

RationalMind12:49 pm 04 Dec 13

Dear advocates of this year’s Marist walk.

How many of you did “the walk”? If it was just a few bad apples in this group, why couldn’t the rest of you at least try to discourage them from acting badly? Alternatively, why couldn’t the majority of you simply have walked off and left the bad apples isolated until they behaved properly? Worse case scenario, why didn’t you abandon (detour from) the traditional walk to get away from the bad apples?

If only water bottles were thrown by a few, which still is less than ideal, and if you were in such a large group, how can you be so sure that water bottles were the only missiles?

And how can a small minority manage to block one or more lanes of traffic?

As a suggestion, if you are from Marist and if you decide to post here, at least demonstrate the value of your education by using appropriate grammar, spelling and numeracy. Most importantly, a little humility and a few abject apologies, at least on behalf of your errant former classmates, might demonstrate the ethics and civic pride that I presume Marist tried to teach you.

I’ve been following this post as of late and you are by far the only person who has actually displayed reason amongst both the Marist supporters AND the angry Canberrans, so if there was anyone who might actually respect my opinion, I think and hope it was you.

First of all, for everyone who is saying that being abused and woken up in the morning, you are right. It is absolutely unacceptable and no one should have to go through such a thing. I don’t know if it means anything to you, but I full heartedly apologise for an abuse that was thrown during the walkback and on this forum. It is very much uncalled for and please don’t take one word of their’s personally; they’re just a bit riled up because of their portrayal in the news as of late. I have to admit that a lot of the comments like ripping up CV’s of Marist kids, generalising on how Catholic and Private Education just doesn’t cut the cake (Marist always makes the top 5 colleges in Canberra?), a whole lot of generalisations about Marist and harsh comments on Paedophilia, were all very much uncalled for as well by the angry Canberrans.

Now I’ll answer your questions, Innovation.

Why couldn’t we just separate from the bad bunch of apples? It’s simply the fact that walkback is about doing something together as a whole cohort for the last time and celebrating the fact that we’ve finally graduated. It’s not only an activity, but a symbol of us finally finishing our schooling life, so of course we wouldn’t abandon our fellow mates! Some of those people are actually pretty decent when you get on their good side, it is simply that you only know them for one night and unfortunately that night was walkback, not the best night to base your opinions on.

Who said some of us didn’t discourage them? Including me, there were a number of boys trying to, but there is only so much you can do with ANY drunk person, especially with the amount that some of the boys drank.

Now, I can’t say that I know for sure that any other foreign objects other than water bottles were thrown at the police, but in a statement made by police they had refrained from saying that rocks were thrown at police, but objects, showing that they probably weren’t even too sure of what was being thrown at them.
Now, I want to make something clear to you, the police officers were in their patrol cars throughout the night and no bottles were thrown at police officers, just their cars. I’m not trying to say that that’s not as bad, I’m just giving you the situation of the night.
Now, along with this uncertainty of what was being thrown at the police officers during that night, is it not possible with the dark night, the officers probably being just a bit tired and agitated and the limited field of vision inside the car, that officers just assumed that we threw a rock?
I don’t even think the officers were aware that our School Captain gave us all some water bottles at the half way point during the walk, so at no point would they have second guessed it was in fact just that.

All you really do need is a dozen or so people to block a road with two lanes. Six or so people are in one and six are in the other. People don’t want to run over people, you know 😛

Finally I would like to convey one final message. The whole situation has been blown up by the media. It is reality that only a few boys were truly rude towards members of the public and Australian Federal Police and unfortunately this small minority is the one thing people seem to concentrate on, other wise if they concentrated on the other odd one hundred boys, it probably wouldn’t even be classified as news. I would also like to say that there were only two reports made to by police on that night, which is considerably small in comparison to nights like New Years.

Stay classy, boys!


Felix the Cat11:49 am 04 Dec 13

Trickster_Travis said :

I’ve had plenty of people walk past my house loud and intoxicated, but I don’t get up on a trashy website with 0 credibility and only opinions to voice my concerns about “drunk hooligans parading through streets”, no, i simply get over it. It is not a big deal to me and does not have a lasting effect on me. Sure they might through some wet toilet paper that sticks to the windows, its annoying, but it takes about 5 seconds to take off.. “idiot” *rolls eyes*

You’re the one that keeps posting on this “trashy website with 0 credibility” so it looks like you it is a big deal for you.

CrocodileGandhi11:39 am 04 Dec 13

I would have thought that Catholics would be all for collective guilt here. Given that we’re all apparently awful sinners from birth due to the actions of one bloke in a garden many moons ago.

So much cognitive dissonance here!

“Boys will be boys”, yes. But how do those boys grow and learn to become young men? By being called out when they do the wrong thing. You know, like what’s happening here. All the people here being critical of you are, whether intentionally or not, helping you grow from this event.

Disrupting traffic? Not okay. Sure the roads were quiet, but those who were unlucky enough to be using them could well have been extremely tired after a long night’s work (possibly serving you all alcohol), and their ability to assess and react to danger may have been just as impaired as yours.

Abusing people? Not okay. Do I really need to say anything else here?

Throwing objects at people? Not okay. Sure water bottles aren’t as bad as rocks, but that doesn’t make it *okay* now, does it?

To those of you who profess to trying to do the right thing, it’s a bitter pill to swallow that the actions of a minority can come to define a group, but it’s also a very important life lesson. One that I’m surprised you haven’t learnt already having attended a Catholic school, if I’m honest. I agree that it’s unfair, but that doesn’t change the perception of others.

I’m sorry that some of the responses in this discussion have upset or offended you. It’s a shame you can’t bring yourself to apologise to those you (collectively, if not personally) upset and offended.

I think people overreact a little. Sure, the ones throwing stuff or yelling out things are doing the wrong thing, but have none of you ever done the wrong thing as a teenager? It’s fine to be displeased with those actions and frown on them, but attacking the entire marist group and marist as a school based on that is a bit over the top to me. There is the expression “boys will be boys” for a reason. We all had our moments of being a bit of a knob at that stage of life so I think it’s reasonable to expect it somewhat and allow some leeway for growing up and learning from mistakes. Giving them a criminal record so they can’t get a job or mature and develop from this stage to become useful members of society would not benefit anybody.

CraigT said :

gazket said :

Our parents are rich so they just let us go. Then we played anaconda .

If their parents were rich they’d be at Grammar.

If their parents were anything of decent parents this wouldn’t have happened to begin with. Spoiled little brats like these have no place in society and belong far far away from the rest of us.

It is very unfair to form an opinion on Marist students based on the moronic actions of a very small number of students. They are mostly fine, upstanding, law respecting members of society, which is why today those that were there but not up to anything bad went to the police to dob in their scumbag mates.

They did do that didn’t they?

Surely they did. They can’t all be scumbags can they?

KingCarlDino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

KingCarlDino said :

CrocodileGandhi said :

Charming response from King Carlos. Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”. And some say that private schools don’t produce hordes elitist snobs.

Holy mother freaking crap. You could have not got it more wrong. Let’s get this straight, you can’t summarise for s***. See, you’re just like LSWCHP. You read things, you change it, then you spout out rubbish.

Here is the summary:
The media has exaggerated the truth to make it seem that we had done something of great terror, but this is not so. Whilst we were participating in antisocial behaviour, the most we had done was disturb some early morning traffic, wake up very few people and given the police a bit of a hard time. Keep in mind that only a small minority of people were doing those things, so it is not fair to put blame on the whole group, but rather to those individuals.


The Canberra Times. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/marist-college-students-accused-of-throwing-rocks-at-police-20131201-2yjjz.html

It says that, “It is understood that only a minority of the group were involved in aggression towards police. One Marist student took to social media to dispute ACT Policing’s version of events, saying it had been empty water bottles thrown at the cars, not rocks.”

Everything else I’ve stated is all there.

So. You come onto an internet forum as a total noob, and call a well respected member “the most gullible prick in the universe”

I’m a 50 year old senior professional engineer with a wife and 4 kids, and 10 years spent as a soldier in the service of our country. I’m well respected both professionally and in my community. I may even be well respected on RA, but that’s a tough call at the best of times. Yet, as a child, you dare to come here and call me a piece of trash and an asshole. Your hubris (look it up) and lack of respect for others is astounding.

Along with that, you suggest that it’s OK to abuse other members of the community and, outrageously, you suggest that it’s quite OK to hurl abuse at police officers because that’s their job. Let me tell you now, for future reference, it is not OK. Depending on how things pan out, if you do it again, eventually things will not go well for you. You’ll be arrested if you’re lucky. If you pick the wrong bloke, you’ll end up bleeding and crying. Or maybe dead. There’s always someone, somewhere, who is bigger and tougher than you.

If you were a man, you would’ve come here and said “Jeez…we’re sorry folks, we really f*cked up. It wasn’t good, and we won’t do it again. Really..we’re sorry about that”. That would’ve gained my respect, because it takes a man to admit he’s wrong and apologise.

But you’re not a man, you’re a selfish and spoiled infant. Without credibility you come barging in here and spray your bile at me and others here who are justifiably critical of you, your silly mates, and what you did.

I think you’re a snake and a loser. I have no respect for you. No doubt you’ll have a successful career as a financial adviser or something like that, stealing money from widows and orphans. Whatever may lie in your future, I wish you ill.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd10:01 pm 03 Dec 13

KingCarlDino said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

KingCarlDino said :

CrocodileGandhi said :

Charming response from King Carlos. Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”. And some say that private schools don’t produce hordes elitist snobs.

Holy mother freaking crap. You could have not got it more wrong. Let’s get this straight, you can’t summarise for s***. See, you’re just like LSWCHP. You read things, you change it, then you spout out rubbish.

Here is the summary:
The media has exaggerated the truth to make it seem that we had done something of great terror, but this is not so. Whilst we were participating in antisocial behaviour, the most we had done was disturb some early morning traffic, wake up very few people and given the police a bit of a hard time. Keep in mind that only a small minority of people were doing those things, so it is not fair to put blame on the whole group, but rather to those individuals.


The Canberra Times. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/marist-college-students-accused-of-throwing-rocks-at-police-20131201-2yjjz.html

It says that, “It is understood that only a minority of the group were involved in aggression towards police. One Marist student took to social media to dispute ACT Policing’s version of events, saying it had been empty water bottles thrown at the cars, not rocks.”

Everything else I’ve stated is all there.

So it’s some human trash version of events against the police.


johnboy said :

It’s nice to see the Marist apologists out in such force.

Also nice to see that it still only takes a few private school students to turn normally tolerant Canberrans into raving wowsers.

KingCarlDino9:50 pm 03 Dec 13

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

KingCarlDino said :

CrocodileGandhi said :

Charming response from King Carlos. Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”. And some say that private schools don’t produce hordes elitist snobs.

Holy mother freaking crap. You could have not got it more wrong. Let’s get this straight, you can’t summarise for s***. See, you’re just like LSWCHP. You read things, you change it, then you spout out rubbish.

Here is the summary:
The media has exaggerated the truth to make it seem that we had done something of great terror, but this is not so. Whilst we were participating in antisocial behaviour, the most we had done was disturb some early morning traffic, wake up very few people and given the police a bit of a hard time. Keep in mind that only a small minority of people were doing those things, so it is not fair to put blame on the whole group, but rather to those individuals.


The Canberra Times. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/marist-college-students-accused-of-throwing-rocks-at-police-20131201-2yjjz.html

It says that, “It is understood that only a minority of the group were involved in aggression towards police. One Marist student took to social media to dispute ACT Policing’s version of events, saying it had been empty water bottles thrown at the cars, not rocks.”

Everything else I’ve stated is all there.

KingCarlDino9:47 pm 03 Dec 13

Postalgeek said :

Trickster_Travis said :

Sure the public disturbance and aggression is wrong, but this is one night. It won’t happen again til next year, and if out of the 365-6 days in a year you are disturbed by a group of boys for 3 hours, you really need to find something to do with your life instead of whinging.

Here’s a tip: that one night of aggression, if you get done for assault as an adult, means that many prospective employers will tell you to f*ck off for the rest of your life. They won’t be interested in your ‘buts’ and your “I miss my mates and the spoonings we had”.

Should make finding something to do with your life quite a laugh.

IF we did. We didn’t for that night, so we won’t.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd9:40 pm 03 Dec 13

KingCarlDino said :

CrocodileGandhi said :

Charming response from King Carlos. Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”. And some say that private schools don’t produce hordes elitist snobs.

Holy mother freaking crap. You could have not got it more wrong. Let’s get this straight, you can’t summarise for s***. See, you’re just like LSWCHP. You read things, you change it, then you spout out rubbish.

Here is the summary:
The media has exaggerated the truth to make it seem that we had done something of great terror, but this is not so. Whilst we were participating in antisocial behaviour, the most we had done was disturb some early morning traffic, wake up very few people and given the police a bit of a hard time. Keep in mind that only a small minority of people were doing those things, so it is not fair to put blame on the whole group, but rather to those individuals.


In our case we have presented a first hand eyewitness account and a police media release verbatim.

Only the perpetrators have expressed displeasure with the reporting.

Therefore I take their displeasure with a grain of salt.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd9:39 pm 03 Dec 13

LSWCHP said :

KingCarlDino said :

LSWCHP said :

…a spray against these dimwits and their idiotic antisocial behaviour…

A rancid, ill thought out and semi-literate spray back demonstrating beyond doubt the value of a private school education…

It’s interesting to get some insight into the cold, reptilian thinking of those who see themselves as our future overlords. I note that this clown, even as a child, holds himself in such high regard that he described himself as a King in his RA username. Says a lot about the man…errm…child, doesnt it?

On Sunday night while King Charles Cavalier was out scurrying around with his pack of cowardly mates causing trouble, I was in sleeping in bed next to my wife. Yet according to him, I’m a “piece of trash” and an “asshole” because I don’t like what they did. Nice work there, champ. I wonder how many of the thousands of adult RA readers agree with you on that?

And then all the rest of it, which reveals a deep contempt for almost anybody who isn’t in his elite social group. You’re driving in your car bothering nobody and you get spat on and abused? Well just wash it off with a chamois when you get home. You don’t like being called a cnut and humiliated, perhaps in front of your spouse and children? It’s no great thang, just get over it, coz that’s how they roll.

Cops having abuse hurled at them? That’s what they’re employed for…to have abuse and other things hurled at them. I’ll note that ironically, there’s a large article on the front of today’s CT where the local cops are saying that they are being overwhelmed by the violence and indignities heaped on them by boozed up arsehats in Civic most nights. They are people who are prepared to put their lives on the line for us, but King Charles, in his wisdom just reckons that their job is to cop abuse from him and his drunk mates when they decide to dish it out. Sweet, bro.

Anyway, that’s what the little people are for. To bring King Charles and his mates their chardonnay, put up with whatever is dealt to them, cop the abuse, and get on with their miserable lives. Because he’s an 18 year old Master of the Universe, and they are not.

And it really all comes out in his final crushing insult..”you pleb”. I admit it, I’m crushed. I’ve got no doubt that King Charles and his mates use “pleb” as a common derogatory term. It means “member of the common people”..or in his view, someone who hasn’t gone to a flash private school and will never be a Master of the Universe. Like him.

So I’m a pleb…just one of the commoners…and I’ve been so presumptuous as to criticise the actions of one of the future ruling class. How dare I do such a thing when I’m only a pleb. The views of plebs aren’t worth anything and I suppose I should just STFU.

So I will, because engaging with imbeciles wearies me. But I have to admit that I’m with ThrowAway. The Marist class of 2013 are gonna have a real hard time getting their job applications past me.

And seeing as how King Charles and his mates, in their swollen Billy Bunteresque pomposity and and undeserved self-regard, like to spout Latin slogans, I’ll finish with my favourite.

Quid Quid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur

This is called winning!

FollowerofCARLDINO9:23 pm 03 Dec 13

LSWCHP said :

KingCarlDino said :

LSWCHP said :

A rancid, ill thought out and semi-literate spray back demonstrating beyond doubt the value of a private school education…

It’s interesting to get some insight into the cold, reptilian thinking of those who see themselves as our future overlords……..

On Sunday night while King Charles Cavalier was out scurrying around with his pack of cowardly mates causing trouble, I was in sleeping in bed next to my wife. Yet according to him, I’m a “piece of trash” and an “asshole” because I don’t like what they did.

I think you’re getting ahead of yourself here. Of course no one deserves to be woken up. They did the wrong thing with the amount of noise they made, there’ no two ways about it. However when you call them reptilian thinking future overlords, it seems a wee bit exaggerated.
I highly doubt the lot of them set out to wake up people they consider to be poor.

LSWCHP said :

KingCarlDino said :

LSWCHP said :

Quid Quid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur

Here I was thinking scientific and religious terms were still in Latin today to maintain some form of historical congruity….
Of course they are in Latin to sound eloquent, no because of the Catholic Church’s continual use of Latin from its founding to now….

ThrowawayAccount said :

Please, can the ever so intelligent people who are posting on this forum defending the behaviour of these imbeciles, please give me your real names? As a public servant, I possess no desire to work with people of your towering intellect. If you can forward me a list of your names, I can ensure that you are never employed by a selection panel I am part of.

Failing that, I’m more than happy to throw any CV’s that list Marist as the college attended in the bin.

Lol, calling other people imbeciles and then claiming that you’ll throw away CV’s of all people who attended a school because of the alleged actions of a few 18 year olds in one year group. Surely you’re a member of Mensa?

You’re really not doing the reputation of the intelligence of public servants any favours.

gazket said :

Our parents are rich so they just let us go. Then we played anaconda .

If their parents were rich they’d be at Grammar.

Tooks said :

Lol. Lift fingerprints off rocks. You are a genius. You have demonstrate an embarrassing amount of ignorance when it comes to very basic criminal law. Whack on your dunces cap and go and sit in the corner.

Eastman got done for *WAY* less.

Who’s wearing the dunces cap?

ThrowawayAccount said :

Please, can the ever so intelligent people who are posting on this forum defending the behaviour of these imbeciles, please give me your real names? As a public servant, I possess no desire to work with people of your towering intellect. If you can forward me a list of your names, I can ensure that you are never employed by a selection panel I am part of.

Failing that, I’m more than happy to throw any CV’s that list Marist as the college attended in the bin.

You’d be doing them a favour.

FollowerofCARLDINO8:34 pm 03 Dec 13

ThrowawayAccount said :

As a public servant……………… I can ensure that you are never employed by a selection panel I am part of.

Failing that, I’m more than happy to throw any CV’s that list Marist as the college attended in the bin.

Yes. Please continue to tell us about this highly relevant selection panel you are part of.
I think being part of such an exclusive club will supersede any other opinions on this forum.

People need to separate their feelings about the College from the actions performed by the boys.
Can a “boys will be boys” thought process be applied to this? Yes. However so can a “They really shouldn’t have done that, and it the damage is at public expense so this is unacceptable no matter if they graduated or not” mentality. Put aside your bitterness towards private schools, and perhaps apply a thought experiment; If this happened at a Melrose High walk back,what would you do? You’d still blame the school and blatantly state that this is due to a certain socioeconomic group being awful

KingCarlDino8:23 pm 03 Dec 13

CrocodileGandhi said :

Charming response from King Carlos. Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”. And some say that private schools don’t produce hordes elitist snobs.

Holy mother freaking crap. You could have not got it more wrong. Let’s get this straight, you can’t summarise for s***. See, you’re just like LSWCHP. You read things, you change it, then you spout out rubbish.

Here is the summary:
The media has exaggerated the truth to make it seem that we had done something of great terror, but this is not so. Whilst we were participating in antisocial behaviour, the most we had done was disturb some early morning traffic, wake up very few people and given the police a bit of a hard time. Keep in mind that only a small minority of people were doing those things, so it is not fair to put blame on the whole group, but rather to those individuals.

KingCarlDino said :

LSWCHP said :

…a spray against these dimwits and their idiotic antisocial behaviour…

A rancid, ill thought out and semi-literate spray back demonstrating beyond doubt the value of a private school education…

It’s interesting to get some insight into the cold, reptilian thinking of those who see themselves as our future overlords. I note that this clown, even as a child, holds himself in such high regard that he described himself as a King in his RA username. Says a lot about the man…errm…child, doesnt it?

On Sunday night while King Charles Cavalier was out scurrying around with his pack of cowardly mates causing trouble, I was in sleeping in bed next to my wife. Yet according to him, I’m a “piece of trash” and an “asshole” because I don’t like what they did. Nice work there, champ. I wonder how many of the thousands of adult RA readers agree with you on that?

And then all the rest of it, which reveals a deep contempt for almost anybody who isn’t in his elite social group. You’re driving in your car bothering nobody and you get spat on and abused? Well just wash it off with a chamois when you get home. You don’t like being called a cnut and humiliated, perhaps in front of your spouse and children? It’s no great thang, just get over it, coz that’s how they roll.

Cops having abuse hurled at them? That’s what they’re employed for…to have abuse and other things hurled at them. I’ll note that ironically, there’s a large article on the front of today’s CT where the local cops are saying that they are being overwhelmed by the violence and indignities heaped on them by boozed up arsehats in Civic most nights. They are people who are prepared to put their lives on the line for us, but King Charles, in his wisdom just reckons that their job is to cop abuse from him and his drunk mates when they decide to dish it out. Sweet, bro.

Anyway, that’s what the little people are for. To bring King Charles and his mates their chardonnay, put up with whatever is dealt to them, cop the abuse, and get on with their miserable lives. Because he’s an 18 year old Master of the Universe, and they are not.

And it really all comes out in his final crushing insult..”you pleb”. I admit it, I’m crushed. I’ve got no doubt that King Charles and his mates use “pleb” as a common derogatory term. It means “member of the common people”..or in his view, someone who hasn’t gone to a flash private school and will never be a Master of the Universe. Like him.

So I’m a pleb…just one of the commoners…and I’ve been so presumptuous as to criticise the actions of one of the future ruling class. How dare I do such a thing when I’m only a pleb. The views of plebs aren’t worth anything and I suppose I should just STFU.

So I will, because engaging with imbeciles wearies me. But I have to admit that I’m with ThrowAway. The Marist class of 2013 are gonna have a real hard time getting their job applications past me.

And seeing as how King Charles and his mates, in their swollen Billy Bunteresque pomposity and and undeserved self-regard, like to spout Latin slogans, I’ll finish with my favourite.

Quid Quid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Sonatur

KingCarlDino8:14 pm 03 Dec 13

Postalgeek said :

KingCarlDino said :

That is right, no one did get injured and it was due to the good work of the Australian Federal Police for escorting us back to Marist, who had been notified prior to the walkback. Of course it wouldn’t be okay that a police officer got injured in the line of duty, but that’s all hypothetical, so what is your point? Sure, maybe the cops got hurled some of their fair share of abuse, but that’s what they get paid for. As I said before, it wasn’t right for us to be hurling abuse at them, but it’s not as if they weren’t expecting that to happen with a bunch of drunken adolescents. It’s simply their usual in places like civic.

Like I said, batons and gas. And tasers and spray. After all, that’s what police are provided with to do the job they get paid for.

Look at you on your high and mighty horse. It wasn’t even that bad. You eat up whatever the media gives you and just exaggerate it to the point that it seems like we actually had a riot.

Blen_Carmichael8:04 pm 03 Dec 13

Robertson said :

Baggy said :

johnboy said :

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

I’m sorry, arresting them for what? Are you then in favour of arresting, for example, protestors at various anti-capitalist/globalisation riots? Guilt by association, yeah?

Jay-walking? Riotous assembly? Offensive behaviour? Drunk and disorderly?

But no, cops didn’t even try, and these idiots now know that obeying the law is optional.

As for who threw the rocks – that’s criminal damage. Arrest the lot of them, fingerprint them, lift prints off the rocks, scare them into an admission or browbeat their peers into giving them up.

Fingerprints on rocks? Fancy that. This reminds me of that episode in Sea Change when the police were able to obtain prints off a salmon to identify the offender – but I digress.

Arrest the lot of them? No problems. On what grounds, pray? It’s been a while since I had my head in a law book, but I seem to recall a requirement about reasonable grounds to believe (as opposed to suspect, or even better, supposition). Scare them into an admission? Are we talking, like, ramming a Glock down a juvenile’s throat while hollering “This is MAH town yer little SHEE-YAT and you is gonna learn to OH-BAY, BOY!” (Not so much Rod Steiger, more like the character Sheriff J.W. Pepper from Live and Let Die). And what’s this about being free to “browbeat their peers into giving them up”? For this one I was originally thinking about Inspector Callahan torturing ‘Scorpion’ in Dirty Harry, but that’s a little dated, not to mention a tad OTT. I’ll get back to you on that one. Oh and by the way the local wallopers are usually indemnified by the ACT Government, which means the good citizenry will ultimately have to cough up. And damages payable for 120 false arrest lawsuits – how’s it sounding so far?

Have pity on these poor Catholic boys, most of them would have been fiddled with. Several years ago at a luncheon, one former student of a Christian Brothers school proclaimed that he had never been fiddled with. The person next to him who happened to be former SA (Labor) Premier John Bannon replied “You must have been an extremely unatractive child”.

Trickster_Travis7:57 pm 03 Dec 13

ThrowawayAccount said :

Please, can the ever so intelligent people who are posting on this forum defending the behaviour of these imbeciles, please give me your real names? As a public servant, I possess no desire to work with people of your towering intellect. If you can forward me a list of your names, I can ensure that you are never employed by a selection panel I am part of.

Failing that, I’m more than happy to throw any CV’s that list Marist as the college attended in the bin.

A public service job in Canberra? Good one. You talk as if there are any jobs left.

ThrowawayAccount7:18 pm 03 Dec 13

Please, can the ever so intelligent people who are posting on this forum defending the behaviour of these imbeciles, please give me your real names? As a public servant, I possess no desire to work with people of your towering intellect. If you can forward me a list of your names, I can ensure that you are never employed by a selection panel I am part of.

Failing that, I’m more than happy to throw any CV’s that list Marist as the college attended in the bin.

Diggety said :

Congrats on the graduation.

We are so graduatin like no one else has ever graduated and you donn geddit anyway and you should just do your work and don’t look at me when I am excercising my civil rights well they are not my rights but they are rightfully mine and if you donn likkit i’ll frow or through or do sumin wiv a rok.

proinde quasi proinde ac si.

Robertson said :

Baggy said :

johnboy said :

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

I’m sorry, arresting them for what? Are you then in favour of arresting, for example, protestors at various anti-capitalist/globalisation riots? Guilt by association, yeah?

Jay-walking? Riotous assembly? Offensive behaviour? Drunk and disorderly?

But no, cops didn’t even try, and these idiots now know that obeying the law is optional.

As for who threw the rocks – that’s criminal damage. Arrest the lot of them, fingerprint them, lift prints off the rocks, scare them into an admission or browbeat their peers into giving them up.

But no, cops didn’t even try, and these idiots are encouraged to thumb their noses at the law.

Limp, limp, limp. What are my taxes for?

Lol. Lift fingerprints off rocks. You are a genius. You have demonstrate an embarrassing amount of ignorance when it comes to very basic criminal law. Whack on your dunces cap and go and sit in the corner.

Skidbladnir said :

It highlights that moment when, having decided already that your stance is righteous and any argument raised against it is worthy of contempt, we get to ignore you because you’re no longer adding thoughts, just biases. 🙂

Why? Why you no do dick jokes, Bill? No one want to hear your philosophy, they want to hear dick joke.

Our parents are rich so they just let us go. Then we played anaconda .

I was one of those locals that these boys disrupted.

Driving south from Civic around 2am and happened upon this mass of people just before they hit Commonwealth Ave Bridge. Most were taking up the whole left lane with others in the far right lane and a few in the middle lane (i.e. sprawled right across the road on a darkened part of Commonwealth Ave with cars approaching at 60-70 km/hr!)

As cars approached, there was little regard for them and even as I got closer some idiot decided to crouch down in the middle lane right in front of my car. I did slow right down and he did move out of the way but as I went past I was subject to guys shouting at me and aggresive gestures. For what?? Driving on a public road??

The way these guys behaved (no doubt intoxicated) and gave no regard to traffic or their own personal safety, I’m more then surprised that none of then were seriously injured or worse! And I’m not surprised in the welcome they would have given the Police once they arrived on the scene. Totally unacceptable!

Trickster_Travis said :

Ozi said :

So…do you imagine these 18-year-olds have more of an idea?

The bottom line is, many laws were being broken, and the cops did bugger-all about it. Lack of action by the cops is a direct cause of escalating criminal behaviour.

So are you saying that you’ve never broken a law? Not a single law? If you havn’t I find that completely bullshit. You should go to jail, for that breach of the law. And if you actually think that they would be able to find one of the millions of rocks that happens to have a fingerprint on it, lift it, and press charges, you sir, are an idiot.

So a hooligan throws a rock at their car and the cops can’t find the hooligan or the rock.

I guess all the AFP geniuses who got Eastman banged up on zero forensic evidence must have all retired, so they’ve given up.

Felix the Cat said :

To be fair to the cops they probably didn’t have the resorces to arrest and detain 120 young men at 2am in the morning. They did the right thing by monitoring the situation and making sure it didn’t escalate.

Reminds of the chant after the first few rounds of arrests at the Aidex ’91 demo:
“You’ve run out of
paddy wagons
you’ve run out of
paddy wagons

So, a bunch of 18-year-old hooligans have been taught that if they commit crimes in large enough numbers, the cops will leave them alone.

Still sounds like poor policing.

Trickster_Travis said :

CrocodileGandhi said :

Aside from the Marist bit, the rest of the summation is spot on………..

What is your address? Me an my mates want to walk past drunk, throw some rocks and spray paint some things……….I will only do it once if thats OK with you………..

What would I rather thrown at me? Frigging nothing thats what.

Idiot *rolls eyes*

Please tell me exactly where and when we spray painted anything, and as previously stated, no rocks were thrown. I’ve had plenty of people walk past my house loud and intoxicated, but I don’t get up on a trashy website with 0 credibility and only opinions to voice my concerns about “drunk hooligans parading through streets”, no, i simply get over it. It is not a big deal to me and does not have a lasting effect on me. Sure they might through some wet toilet paper that sticks to the windows, its annoying, but it takes about 5 seconds to take off.. “idiot” *rolls eyes*

Um…..read your own post dude………..and the media release. It clearly states that rocks were thrown at the police vehicles. You asked the question about what you would rather have thrown at me and I answered it.

I also never said that you guys spray painted anything, I said that was what I wanted to do……….so, you dont care about a bit of civil disobedience, whats your address so we can come and have some “fun” in your street. I bet your neighbours would love it.

BTW, just because you dont mind cleaning up after other peoples crappy behavior doesnt mean that the general population doesnt either. This sort of crap has never been acceptable.

Congrats on the graduation.

Trickster_Travis2:58 pm 03 Dec 13

CrocodileGandhi said :

Aside from the Marist bit, the rest of the summation is spot on………..

What is your address? Me an my mates want to walk past drunk, throw some rocks and spray paint some things……….I will only do it once if thats OK with you………..

What would I rather thrown at me? Frigging nothing thats what.

Idiot *rolls eyes*

Please tell me exactly where and when we spray painted anything, and as previously stated, no rocks were thrown. I’ve had plenty of people walk past my house loud and intoxicated, but I don’t get up on a trashy website with 0 credibility and only opinions to voice my concerns about “drunk hooligans parading through streets”, no, i simply get over it. It is not a big deal to me and does not have a lasting effect on me. Sure they might through some wet toilet paper that sticks to the windows, its annoying, but it takes about 5 seconds to take off.. “idiot” *rolls eyes*

Tch – you people complaining about this don’t appreciate that we should be grateful to have these private school children gracing us with their presence. We should all just tug our forelocks to them and thank them for their funny pranks. They’re our betters after all.

Trickster_Travis said :

Sure the public disturbance and aggression is wrong, but this is one night. It won’t happen again til next year, and if out of the 365-6 days in a year you are disturbed by a group of boys for 3 hours, you really need to find something to do with your life instead of whinging.

Here’s a tip: that one night of aggression, if you get done for assault as an adult, means that many prospective employers will tell you to f*ck off for the rest of your life. They won’t be interested in your ‘buts’ and your “I miss my mates and the spoonings we had”.

Should make finding something to do with your life quite a laugh.

Trickster_Travis said :

CrocodileGandhi said :

Charming response from King Carlos. Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”. And some say that private schools don’t produce hordes elitist snobs.

You’re wrong in your analysis. If you’re going to try and make a statement regarding elitism, you should at least know what the definition is for it. Nowhere in there does he state Marist is a better school than any other. All that is stated is that the accusations that are being put onto Marist as a community are flawed and have little value compared to actual events. What would you rather? be hit by a rock, or by an EMPTY water bottle? Strangers abusing other people? Tell me, how often do you walk into an interchange and see this happening. There are many more instances of public abuse than at 3 o’clock at night. Sure the public disturbance and aggression is wrong, but this is one night. It won’t happen again til next year, and if out of the 365-6 days in a year you are disturbed by a group of boys for 3 hours, you really need to find something to do with your life instead of whinging.

Aside from the Marist bit, the rest of the summation is spot on………..

What is your address? Me an my mates want to walk past drunk, throw some rocks and spray paint some things……….I will only do it once if thats OK with you………..

What would I rather thrown at me? Frigging nothing thats what.

Idiot *rolls eyes*

As for saying the “cops got their fair sare of abuse”….WTF?? How much abuse should the Po Po take before they hose your ase across the road way you are walking up. Looking at you King Charles Cavalier or whatever your name is…….

Lovely way to start Advent. Do they intend to throw things every day until the 25th?

Bunch of d***head kids causing trouble. Bunch of d***heads defending them.

Felix the Cat1:10 pm 03 Dec 13

To be fair to the cops they probably didn’t have the resorces to arrest and detain 120 young men at 2am in the morning. They did the right thing by monitoring the situation and making sure it didn’t escalate.

Trickster_Travis12:53 pm 03 Dec 13

CrocodileGandhi said :

Charming response from King Carlos. Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”. And some say that private schools don’t produce hordes elitist snobs.

You’re wrong in your analysis. If you’re going to try and make a statement regarding elitism, you should at least know what the definition is for it. Nowhere in there does he state Marist is a better school than any other. All that is stated is that the accusations that are being put onto Marist as a community are flawed and have little value compared to actual events. What would you rather? be hit by a rock, or by an EMPTY water bottle? Strangers abusing other people? Tell me, how often do you walk into an interchange and see this happening. There are many more instances of public abuse than at 3 o’clock at night. Sure the public disturbance and aggression is wrong, but this is one night. It won’t happen again til next year, and if out of the 365-6 days in a year you are disturbed by a group of boys for 3 hours, you really need to find something to do with your life instead of whinging.

CrocodileGandhi said :

Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”

Nice TL:DR summation.

FollowerofCARLDINO12:31 pm 03 Dec 13

If this was Wanniassa High, the reaction would be completely different. Why? A combination of stereotypes, people assume that Marist boys have a silver spoon in their mouth, and as such are going to become stockbrokers and so forth. This makes them more responsible for their actions somehow…. There also needs to be a differentiation between the school and the event. The well written posts, regardless of their view, will focus on the event itself and not the school. The biased posts will do their best to bring in any and all of their previous views on Marist (e.g. molestation). As someone who’s family emigrated from Mexico age 10, I have seen a fair bit. People need to stop themselves before they come to conclusions about a school they’ve never attended, hearsay can be dangerous.

It’s nice to see the original poster staying on topic here…

johnboy said :

It’s nice to see the Marist apologists out in such force.

This being the same school that tried to tell the courts it didn’t exist to get out from under its legal obligations to children sodomised in its care.

CrocodileGandhi12:27 pm 03 Dec 13

Charming response from King Carlos. Can probably be summed up as “Yeah, we did loads of things that I think are wrong and condemn but they weren’t that bad because it was us involved and not someone else so shut up, you pleb”. And some say that private schools don’t produce hordes elitist snobs.

@#63 Shamwow made me lol.

KingCarlDino said :

That is right, no one did get injured and it was due to the good work of the Australian Federal Police for escorting us back to Marist, who had been notified prior to the walkback. Of course it wouldn’t be okay that a police officer got injured in the line of duty, but that’s all hypothetical, so what is your point? Sure, maybe the cops got hurled some of their fair share of abuse, but that’s what they get paid for. As I said before, it wasn’t right for us to be hurling abuse at them, but it’s not as if they weren’t expecting that to happen with a bunch of drunken adolescents. It’s simply their usual in places like civic.

Like I said, batons and gas. And tasers and spray. After all, that’s what police are provided with to do the job they get paid for.

MCC for life!! you pubes can knock the school as much as you like but we all know boys will be boys. And believe me, Marist are a lot more strict than any other school.

Pretty sure i used to see public school scumbags at the bus interchanges each afternoon doing a lot worse than these so called “riots”

Trickster_Travis12:13 pm 03 Dec 13

Ozi said :

So…do you imagine these 18-year-olds have more of an idea?

The bottom line is, many laws were being broken, and the cops did bugger-all about it. Lack of action by the cops is a direct cause of escalating criminal behaviour.

So are you saying that you’ve never broken a law? Not a single law? If you havn’t I find that completely bullshit. You should go to jail, for that breach of the law. And if you actually think that they would be able to find one of the millions of rocks that happens to have a fingerprint on it, lift it, and press charges, you sir, are an idiot.

Ozi said :

Lift prints off the rocks?!
The arm-chair critics around here have clearly no idea about a) policing, b) what is possible with forensics, or c) proofs of various offences.

So…do you imagine these 18-year-olds have more of an idea?

The bottom line is, many laws were being broken, and the cops did bugger-all about it. Lack of action by the cops is a direct cause of escalating criminal behaviour.

KingCarlDino12:00 pm 03 Dec 13

LSWCHP said :

servo_fidem said :

stop having a such a whinge, no one was injured, and how many people use those roads that early in the morning anyway? it has been blown way out of proportion, these kids put in over 10,000 hours of community service this year and you’re focusing on about 2 hours of walking down a road after a few drinks. Half empty water bottles were thrown, not rocks, and that was a very small portion of the group, you cant reflect that on over 120 boys.

servo fidem

I’ve been frowning and shaking my head all day trying to suss this out, but it’s all become clear after your thoughtful and lucid explanation of this event, so thanks for clearing that up for me.

In the spirit of modern communication, I’ll repeat back what I heard, so that you know what I heard, and I’ll ask a few clarifying questions, because I’m still confused about a few aspects of the whole event.

I heard you say that members of the community should stop complaining about this. Why?

I heard you say that it’s ok for a pack of young cnuts to behave like feral animals in public, as long as nobody gets hurt. Reassuring, that. No chance that anybody will ever get hurt at a gig like this, so it’s all ok. Hey? Did I hear you right? Who guaranteed that nobody got hurt? Or was it good luck rather than good management? If a police officer had been injured in the line of duty, would it still be OK?

I heard you say that this was OK because after all, not many people use the roads at that hour. So those few that did, and that were so upset about what happened to them that they rang the cops to complain, actually deserved to be spat on and abused then? After all, what’s a little flung phlegm and abuse between strangers. Who could possibly take offence at a lunger on their windscreen?

I heard you say that because these arsehats have done some good stuff, they should now be allowed to do bad stuff. I give blood regularly. Does that mean it’s OK for me to go and throw shit at cops in the night?

I heard it’s OK to throw shit at cops, as long as the thrown objects meet your definition of “stuff that’s OK to throw at cops”. What if somebody has a different definition, and decides that rocks are OK things to throw at cops? Will you remonstrate with the rock throwers or join them?

I heard you say that it’s OK for scum to hide amongst a group of sheep and throw shit at cops, and that doesn’t reflect badly on the sheep. Don’t you think that a man is known by the company he keeps?

Finally, rather than telling you what I heard, I’ll tell you what I think. I think these idiots, all of them, deserve to spend a weekend in the stocks having rotten food and dog turds thrown at them, before they go off to become lawyers, bankers, financial advisers, stockbrokers and similar scum. And I think that what you wrote is one of the stupidest things I’ve seen on this forum in many years of hanging around here. And that is really saying something.

Give yourself a f%cking uppercut you fool.

How dare you put words into our own mouths, you piece of trash. Where the hell do you get your facts from? Yes, maybe my colleague here may be a tad misinformed, but you take the most tiniest piece of information and warp it to suit your own means; Something in which Lawyers do, which you claim are scum. Coincidence?

Let me give you some more clarification here. There is no argument that some of the boys participated in antisocial behaviour and may have upset a few people, I’ll of course admit that, but that’s where I draw the line. Walkback is a tradition which dates back to 20 years back to celebrate years of Marist schooling by coming together as mates for the last time as a whole year group and doing something simple, walking back to Marist. Not everyone was committing antisocial behaviour and of those who did, it was a small minority of the group and the impact done towards Canberra extends to just annoying some strangers.

That is right, no one did get injured and it was due to the good work of the Australian Federal Police for escorting us back to Marist, who had been notified prior to the walkback. Of course it wouldn’t be okay that a police officer got injured in the line of duty, but that’s all hypothetical, so what is your point? Sure, maybe the cops got hurled some of their fair share of abuse, but that’s what they get paid for. As I said before, it wasn’t right for us to be hurling abuse at them, but it’s not as if they weren’t expecting that to happen with a bunch of drunken adolescents. It’s simply their usual in places like civic.

As for the abuse to the public, it all of course was not acceptable, but why should they care? We’re drunken kids! We are mere strangers to one another; We don’t know each other personally, so why should something as small as being called maybe a, “c*nt” be taken seriously? I can almost guarantee that anyone who got hurled by abuse would forget it in a matter of a few days. I, of course, condemn the act of spitting on cars, but you act as if every car in Canberra got totally saturated in saliva! Sure, it might be a tad disgusting, but it’s really not a big deal. Just go over it with a Shamwow and you’re done; A simple fix for a simple problem.

Now who the hell said that you should be excusing us for all the, “stuff” we’ve done? As far as I’m concerned, you were the one who said that. In fact, it’s absolutely ridiculous to think that we did such a thing because we did some, “good stuff” before, it gave us an excuse for doing, “bad stuff”.

Well, no. It’s not okay to throw anything at a cop, No one ever said that; My colleague was simply clarifying that it was not rocks. So what if somebody else has a different, “Stuff that’s OK to throw at cops” You’re throwing hypothetical situations that don’t even concern us! We’re not held responsible for any lunatic who throws rocks at the police; That’s their own way of thinking and is not represented by the graduating class of Marist College Canberra 2013. The media doesn’t even portray any of that correctly! People assume that we’re throwing, “rocks” at the police officers, but that’s far from the truth. People were throwing empty water bottles to police cars and when you compare the two together they are two very different things.

… and here’s one of the things that shits me the most. How presumptuous can you get? Are you just so arrogant to believe that just about every single one of those boys were doing the wrong thing during that night? One student’s actions may reflect the group in a bad was for the public, but is that necessarily a good thing? How the hell can you just make the assumption that because one student may do some questionable things one night, it means that everyone of the other students are the same?

Now, let me tell you what I think: You’re an judgemental, presumptuous asshole, who get’s hand fed news like a baby and ignorantly accepts it as 100% as the truth. You even distort the truth to suit your own means and shove it into our faces. YOU are in fact what is the problem of today. I could care less of what you have to say about the Marist community, you pleb.

Servo Fidem,

King Carlos Dinos

Those who think this is overblown because other schools’ “scavenger hunts” don’t make the news obviously haven’t been watching the news that closely for the last few years.

Here’s an example from a couple of years ago: http://the-riotact.com/muck-up-day-goes-wrong/59832

BimboGeek said :

how is carrying a catapault “normal” behaviour for young adults preparing to start te next stage of their lives?

Did you just take the most obvious sarcasum on this page… Seriously?

I can’t believe how many people are trying to say this is normal and acceptable behaviour. If I’d acted like this after I graduated, my parents would have slapped me from here to Sunday, before asking the cops to arrest me.

Throwing rocks at the police, yelling abuse and wandering drunkenly onto a road is not only stupid but should be completely unacceptable behaviour. Completing community service over the past year certainly does not make up for it, and I for one would rather have the police avaliable to deal with more important situations than a bunch of drunk school kids.

Of course, I doubt all of the boys involved threw rocks, walked on the road or abused the police trying to help them, but surely the community values they’ve been taught should assist them in determining the correct action when they see someone else doing such things. One of them should have taken the lead in ensuring the event ran smoothly and without bothering anyone else.

Also, how did I miss a comment about fingerprinting rocks?!?

It’s nice to see the Marist apologists out in such force.

This being the same school that tried to tell the courts it didn’t exist to get from under its legal obligations to children sodomised in its care.

It’s so much easier when you’re using apologist as a pejorative Jb.
It highlights that moment when, having decided already that your stance is righteous and any argument raised against it is worthy of contempt, we get to ignore you because you’re no longer adding thoughts, just biases. 🙂

So how exactly are these current students related to, responsible for, or a party to the handling of sodomised children?
And how is that responsibility expressed in this incident, that it’s relevant in your mind?

Alternatively, how is the school’s handling of sodomy relevant to their handling of the behaviour of a collection of former students post-graduation (not formals, as you suggest) who are, by definition, ex-students and so beyond the care and control of the school?
When exactly, to your mind, does a school cease having responsibility for its students?

When I finished high school the year 12s had our customary water fight which none of the other students were wetted by (well maybe one or two really good friends) then our graduation mass and dinner. The after party was drinks at a student’s house, supervised by her parents and with a cameo from her favourite teachers.

Not a single rock was thrown that day, although I understand a few cheeky girls distributed a dangerous amount of glitter around the school.

Sounds familiar to anyone? how is carrying a catapault “normal” behaviour for young adults preparing to start te next stage of their lives?

Cool……so next time I a pissed and I do some vandalism or throw some stuff at cars I can just say to the coppers “Its OK, I am just letting off some steam because I have been working for 20 years…….”

Good one………

Trickster_Travis said :

. The fact that they spent 3 hours with the mates who they will never meet on a daily basis ever again, having a laugh, enjoying themselves unfortunately with some aggression is nothing compared to events happening elsewhere, or in comparison to the London riots. You are not seeing the event from the graduating students perspective which is to celebrate the fact they managed to make it through the 13 years of school and not drop-out. The opinions of many individuals is very biased in that it is only seen from the side of the few people who were directly effected by this walk.

You know, when I graduated school, we all went to a mates place, out of town (it was a property) and had a party there. We had a great night and the only things damaged were some brain cells. The greater community was not affected at all.

I cant believe you people are condoning any antisocial behavior no matter how minor.

johnboy said :

It’s nice to see the Marist apologists out in such force.

This being the same school that tried to tell the courts it didn’t exist to get out from under its legal obligations to children sodomised in its care.

How in any way are the old boys or just general public who have employed some reasonable logic related to an organisation’s defense against a court case. It’s not like students of the college are in support or even aware of these allegedly morally questionable actions.
This is just a petty way to act as an elitist who actually knows what he’s talking about when, in fact, you’re an ill informed moron.

Almost every school in Canberra does this sort of thing only most of it is scavenger hunts that no one knows about, I don’t see the media chasing them around for stealing or trying to break into Parliament house or taking s**ts on public property?
But this seems to cop a huge beating it has been going on for over 20 years and and they print one article which is completely misleading and everyone is suddenly an expert. WOW what is wrong with you people.

All you here need to sit back, relax and throw back a big bowl of Egg Soup.

And johnboy, what the f%ck are you talking about. “Judge I don’t exist you can’t charge me with anything.” Why would you even say Marist attempted that?

DeliciousDenBog12:44 am 03 Dec 13

As a former Marist student, I am utterly disgusted with the lack of action taken against these ruffians! Their walkback caused serious chaos and anarchy. By God, Canberra will never be the same! Okay, no, no, let’s get serious.

So, why are people even bringing up Kostka? Molestation back in the 80s has nothing to do with a vocal minority out of a group of two hundred causing trouble. Mob mentality is a scary thing, and the people driving on the road at the time were probably feeling quite intimidated, but the majority of the boys were minding their own business, and it was simply some drunk idiots who were the instigators here.

I’m loving the educated ‘adults’ and their ideas of how everyone having fun (I admit that it seemed to have gotten a bit out of control AT TIMES) should be jailed. Thanks for whoever it was who said that the rocks should be fingerprinted, that was good for a laugh. To the people making gay jokes, really? You think Marist boys won’t have heard EVERY SINGLE ONE of those by now? Sure, being in the changing room with other shirtless boys can raise some eyebrows, but really, claims of homosexuality are at this point unoriginal and much exaggerated.

Really now, this wasn’t a big deal. Nothing even happened. Frown upon it all you want, but personal attacks against the entire group and Marist as a whole are unwarranted. Trust me, the people at Marist hate Kostka a lot more than any of you people do.

Trickster_Travis12:37 am 03 Dec 13

From what I’ve read in this thread, there are very similar views, mainly consisting of stereotypes, idiotic and completely false comments (fingerprints off rocks, yeah, from the one single rock lying on the ground, nice job, you discovered a new means to finding criminals) and the opinions of many people who believe they are 100% correct in determining moral values and fairness throughout society. If your ideology was enforced than anybody that ever tried to enjoy themselves with their mates all from school, in one final celebration when graduating would be locked up, or taken to the “stocks, having rotten food and dog turds thrown at them.” I’m sorry but the ways in which you have reacted to this behaviour is none other than elitist.

A number of comments here mention that Marist is full of scum, and “bogans” which is a vast generalisation considering the fees that it costs to go to that school and the fact that they as schoolboys participate have a much higher participation in community service that plenty of other schools. The fact that they spent 3 hours with the mates who they will never meet on a daily basis ever again, having a laugh, enjoying themselves unfortunately with some aggression is nothing compared to events happening elsewhere, or in comparison to the London riots. You are not seeing the event from the graduating students perspective which is to celebrate the fact they managed to make it through the 13 years of school and not drop-out. The opinions of many individuals is very biased in that it is only seen from the side of the few people who were directly effected by this walk.

I know I have restated several things in this comment, but the amount of stupidity that exists on this website is phenomenal. I swear half the people whose “opinions” are published believe that the media is 100% accurate, never telling a single lie. They need to be exercised with the same words so that they actually get through to their minuscule brains.

Oh please.

Pretty much everyone has been involved in a formal that *didn’t* require a huge police callout.

I absolutely astounds me how many people will just eat up everything anyone has said about this ‘absolutely appalling’ event. The media and sites such as this one, having no journalistic credibility whatsoever, have completely blown it out of proportion. That being said, let me clear a few things up.
The ‘walkback’ has been around for 20 odd years, and has had little impact on Canberra, and this one was no different. Maybe 50 people were delayed 5 minutes on their way home from civic, or several police officers spent one or two hours dealing with the boys. They deal with things far worse than this on the daily, domestics, stabbings, ect.
These boys were letting off some steam after 13 years of solid schooling, and in my opinion this was justifiable considering the minimal lasting impact of their actions. They had no intentions on hurting anyone and nobody was hurt, not by dumb luck but because there was no serious ill intent.
In the end, how is this different to any other end-of-year celebrations. Various scavenger hunts go out in public with the intent of disrupting the peace for fun, they are just spread widely over canberra so they demand much less attention.
Be realistic people, no harm was done, and a little bit of a disturbance was a realistic celebration of what had been an incredibly stressful couple of years for the boys.

It’s nice to see the Marist apologists out in such force.

This being the same school that tried to tell the courts it didn’t exist to get out from under its legal obligations to children sodomised in its care.

WehrmachtMan12:11 am 03 Dec 13

Please refrain from being oversensitive, jealous, insipid and any other trait that can be classified as trying to white-knight the ‘citizens’ of Canberra, this walk back occurred at 2-5AM, how is this disturbing the peace? These are fresh graduates with every student from year 12, this includes the idiots of the grade as well, every grade in every school has these idiots. Rocks were not thrown, instead, boulders were hurled from the catapults the boys had prepared in their ‘Warmongering’ classes (Tertiary). The police didn’t escort the boys and try to protect them, they were actually wanting to wage war on the boys, but the spirit was too mighty within the boys, the riot shields were not sufficient to repel such a large force of ‘elite’ students.

Please don’t be angry, everyone needs to have fun in their lives, we all can’t be boring f**kers our whole lives, some of us actually want to go out and have a great time, especially when most of us are 18 years of age.

Thank you,

Mystery Man M******n

servo_fidem said :

stop having a such a whinge, no one was injured, and how many people use those roads that early in the morning anyway? it has been blown way out of proportion, these kids put in over 10,000 hours of community service this year and you’re focusing on about 2 hours of walking down a road after a few drinks. Half empty water bottles were thrown, not rocks, and that was a very small portion of the group, you cant reflect that on over 120 boys.

servo fidem

One thing’s for sure, their numeracy lessons need improving.

I, for one, would like to thank these fantastic boys for narrowing down the list of possible schools to send the kids to. It turns out that making the decision is just a matter of following the news with a printed list of schools and a red pen.

Yeah that news article was pretty accurate, they definitely didn’t get any of their facts wrong. Because I believe everything i read in the media I reckon Marist should be closed down and the boys punished.

And while I’m here, having been forewarned by the school etc, where were the parents of these bozos?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd11:01 pm 02 Dec 13

servo_fidem said :

stop having a such a whinge, no one was injured, and how many people use those roads that early in the morning anyway? it has been blown way out of proportion, these kids put in over 10,000 hours of community service this year and you’re focusing on about 2 hours of walking down a road after a few drinks. Half empty water bottles were thrown, not rocks, and that was a very small portion of the group, you cant reflect that on over 120 boys.

servo fidem


servo_fidem said :

stop having a such a whinge, no one was injured, and how many people use those roads that early in the morning anyway? it has been blown way out of proportion, these kids put in over 10,000 hours of community service this year and you’re focusing on about 2 hours of walking down a road after a few drinks. Half empty water bottles were thrown, not rocks, and that was a very small portion of the group, you cant reflect that on over 120 boys.

servo fidem

I’ve been frowning and shaking my head all day trying to suss this out, but it’s all become clear after your thoughtful and lucid explanation of this event, so thanks for clearing that up for me.

In the spirit of modern communication, I’ll repeat back what I heard, so that you know what I heard, and I’ll ask a few clarifying questions, because I’m still confused about a few aspects of the whole event.

I heard you say that members of the community should stop complaining about this. Why?

I heard you say that it’s ok for a pack of young cnuts to behave like feral animals in public, as long as nobody gets hurt. Reassuring, that. No chance that anybody will ever get hurt at a gig like this, so it’s all ok. Hey? Did I hear you right? Who guaranteed that nobody got hurt? Or was it good luck rather than good management? If a police officer had been injured in the line of duty, would it still be OK?

I heard you say that this was OK because after all, not many people use the roads at that hour. So those few that did, and that were so upset about what happened to them that they rang the cops to complain, actually deserved to be spat on and abused then? After all, what’s a little flung phlegm and abuse between strangers. Who could possibly take offence at a lunger on their windscreen?

I heard you say that because these arsehats have done some good stuff, they should now be allowed to do bad stuff. I give blood regularly. Does that mean it’s OK for me to go and throw shit at cops in the night?

I heard it’s OK to throw shit at cops, as long as the thrown objects meet your definition of “stuff that’s OK to throw at cops”. What if somebody has a different definition, and decides that rocks are OK things to throw at cops? Will you remonstrate with the rock throwers or join them?

I heard you say that it’s OK for scum to hide amongst a group of sheep and throw shit at cops, and that doesn’t reflect badly on the sheep. Don’t you think that a man is known by the company he keeps?

Finally, rather than telling you what I heard, I’ll tell you what I think. I think these idiots, all of them, deserve to spend a weekend in the stocks having rotten food and dog turds thrown at them, before they go off to become lawyers, bankers, financial advisers, stockbrokers and similar scum. And I think that what you wrote is one of the stupidest things I’ve seen on this forum in many years of hanging around here. And that is really saying something.

Give yourself a f%cking uppercut you fool.

11000 hours of service to the community probably more than any other schools yr 12 grade vs 3- 4 hours of the walk back yeah Marist boys are the scum of the earth

stop having a such a whinge, no one was injured, and how many people use those roads that early in the morning anyway? it has been blown way out of proportion, these kids put in over 10,000 hours of community service this year and you’re focusing on about 2 hours of walking down a road after a few drinks. Half empty water bottles were thrown, not rocks, and that was a very small portion of the group, you cant reflect that on over 120 boys.

servo fidem

“we can’t do anything about them, it’s just the way we made them”?


I would like to congratulate the various highbrow, do-gooding, law-abiding and well educated members of this comment feed. You have not only been rigorous in your analysis and thorough in your debating but your strong criticism has been so well constructed that the Marist community has decided to stop educating their students to walk through the streets at night. They have decided to take ‘rock throwing’ and ‘abuse hurling’ out of the curriculum because it was definitely there in the first place and considerably enforced by the Marist parents and members of staff. Along with ceasing to enforce this behaviour, as it has since Marist’s conception, Marist College have decided they will begin to notify police of this apparent event, because the police had no idea about it, event though it has been an annual student walk for the past 20 years.

Along with Marist’s new found disassociation with this event, next year they will kindly ask students not to do it, and if they say please and thank you, they hope that the boys won’t. However if the boys do participate, they will do everything within their power to punish them, which due to the fact it is after their graduation and therefore they are no longer students of the college, will result in nothing.


Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd9:37 pm 02 Dec 13

Baggy said :

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :


Also, I’m sure the levels of non protected boy on boy bumming was massive that night.

Do I detect a healthy dose of homophobia there?

How about an enormous case of generalisation?

Roundhead89 said :

The Marist kids keeping up the school’s fine traditions. Brother Koska and Paul Lyons are looking down from above smiling.

What do those two scumbags have to do with a mob of kids going off the rails today?

No homophobia at all. I love dongers.

Fact is that no self respecting female would go with any of these bozos so the majority of them need to bum each other when drunk.

c_c™ said :

So continues the great hypocrisy in religious (and particularly Catholic) education. Portrayed as building character, it is in reality just a lesson in how to carry yourself as if riotous and virtuous while being able to do what every you want so long as you juggle some beads afterwards.

Dear oh dear. Don’t you have a torts lecture to run off to?

Robertson said :

Baggy said :

johnboy said :

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

I’m sorry, arresting them for what? Are you then in favour of arresting, for example, protestors at various anti-capitalist/globalisation riots? Guilt by association, yeah?

Jay-walking? Riotous assembly? Offensive behaviour? Drunk and disorderly?

But no, cops didn’t even try, and these idiots now know that obeying the law is optional.

As for who threw the rocks – that’s criminal damage. Arrest the lot of them, fingerprint them, lift prints off the rocks, scare them into an admission or browbeat their peers into giving them up.

But no, cops didn’t even try, and these idiots are encouraged to thumb their noses at the law.

Limp, limp, limp. What are my taxes for?

Maybe you could ring up the police Chief Police Officer and offer them some of your expert crime fighting fighting and legal advice. Or apply for their job. You are obviously better at the job than they are.

Robertson said :

As for who threw the rocks – that’s criminal damage. Arrest the lot of them, fingerprint them, lift prints off the rocks, scare them into an admission or browbeat their peers into giving them up.

But no, cops didn’t even try, and these idiots are encouraged to thumb their noses at the law.

Limp, limp, limp. What are my taxes for?

Lift prints off the rocks?! Definitely my favourite comment so far. The arm-chair critics around here have clearly no idea about a) policing, b) what is possible with forensics, or c) proofs of various offences.

Russ said :

On behalf of the College I want to apologize to both the police

I hope they also apologise for using (and teaching, I assume) American spelling.

or for using the Oxford dictionary… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_spelling

c_c™ said :

So continues the great hypocrisy in religious (and particularly Catholic) education. Portrayed as building character, it is in reality just a lesson in how to carry yourself as if riotous and virtuous while being able to do what every you want so long as you juggle some beads afterwards.

I think you meant righteous. Riotous they certainly were.


c_c™ said :

So continues the great hypocrisy in religious (and particularly Catholic) education. Portrayed as buconditionilding character, it is in reality just a lesson in how to carry yourself as if riotous and virtuous e being able to do what every you want so long as you juggle some beads afterwards.

You and I have different expectations of hypocrisy and hypocrites, and I think you’re profoundly overestimating the effect of religion in education.
Hypocrisy is not the mother of all sins, and nor are hypocrites constantly professing virtue and restraint whilst wilfully planning deception.

Personally, it’s not the constant adherence to a moral code that makes life lessons (as this becomes for everybody who received a concerned warning, and either obeyed or refuted it’s intent) worth learning.
Really, the difficulties involved – in developing, adhering to, and redefining that code as a result of missteps made along the way – are what make it interesting.
The struggle, between base impulses, the rigorous demands of a moral system, and dealing with the consequences of either living out or redefining that code that is the human condition.
For mine, it is how these boys (despite the fact they and the law may consider them men) conduct themselves in that struggle and deal with the consequences of their actions that determines how we ought to judge them as individuals, not a single instance of poor behaviour from certain members of a group becoming the defining standard by which we judge all of them.

Robertson said :

Baggy said :

johnboy said :

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

I’m sorry, arresting them for what? Are you then in favour of arresting, for example, protestors at various anti-capitalist/globalisation riots? Guilt by association, yeah?

However, cops clearly scared of 18-year-old drunk boys.

LOL… Love the armchair critics, the hindsight experts and my favourite, the “If I was there I would have…” ‘s. Unfortunately, real life isn’t quite like the movies and actual real life trained professionals have to make actual real life on-the-spot decisions based on their real life experience and training while actually being there. It must be great to then have these decisions publicaly critisied by numb nuts who in reality don’t actually have a real clue.

So continues the great hypocrisy in religious (and particularly Catholic) education. Portrayed as building character, it is in reality just a lesson in how to carry yourself as if riotous and virtuous while being able to do what every you want so long as you juggle some beads afterwards.

Baggy said :

johnboy said :

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

I’m sorry, arresting them for what? Are you then in favour of arresting, for example, protestors at various anti-capitalist/globalisation riots? Guilt by association, yeah?

Well, if you cast your mind back to the “AIDEX” arms fair held in Canberra back in 1991,
you will recall that a group of Quakers and catholic nuns tried to picket the entrance to the venue, handing out anti-war pacifist literature. You may also recall that the cops turned up and beat the crap out of them.

So, cops not scared of nuns, then.
However, cops clearly scared of 18-year-old drunk boys.

Baggy said :

johnboy said :

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

I’m sorry, arresting them for what? Are you then in favour of arresting, for example, protestors at various anti-capitalist/globalisation riots? Guilt by association, yeah?

Jay-walking? Riotous assembly? Offensive behaviour? Drunk and disorderly?

But no, cops didn’t even try, and these idiots now know that obeying the law is optional.

As for who threw the rocks – that’s criminal damage. Arrest the lot of them, fingerprint them, lift prints off the rocks, scare them into an admission or browbeat their peers into giving them up.

But no, cops didn’t even try, and these idiots are encouraged to thumb their noses at the law.

Limp, limp, limp. What are my taxes for?

Highly intoxicated kids, walking along busy roads in the middle of the night…. what could possibly go wrong?

Blen_Carmichael2:03 pm 02 Dec 13

A case of boys drinking men’s beer from the sounds of it. Throwing rocks at outnumbered police, harrassing and intimidating pedestrians – I hope you’re truly proud of yourselves, kiddies.

Woody Mann-Caruso1:03 pm 02 Dec 13

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

Tricky. Our affray legislation (which is only a few years old) sets a high bar for proving an offence. It’s not enough to be hanging out with violent individuals committing violence.

(In colonial jurisdictions one could face a crowd, declare that they singly and severally constituted an affray, order them to disperse, fire a warning shot over their heads, then just start arresting / shooting the natives. Ah, good times *twirls moustache, drinks gin*.)

HiddenDragon12:43 pm 02 Dec 13

I wonder if there is a future PM in this crop?

On behalf of the College I want to apologize to both the police

I hope they also apologise for using (and teaching, I assume) American spelling.

johnboy said :

Maybe they could make the statement on their website so everyone is on the same page?

Would make sense. And get it up onto social media while topic is still warm. They issued it to the journalist who wrote the article and emailed it out to the general parents mailing list (I am one, and an old boy – though I pre-date this ‘tradition’.)

Maybe they could make the statement on their website so everyone is on the same page?


Rollersk8r said :

Obviously they walked back to the school – but I’ve never heard of a walkback. Is this a thing? What’s the point? After a very long walk you get to the school, and?

It is a tradition they have.

School has issued a statement with apology. Snipped:

The so called ‘walk back’ is not a College event; it has never been supported by the College and is in fact strongly discouraged by the College. It is unsafe and dangerous. It is an inappropriate means of showing school pride. There is nothing to be proud of in anti-social behaviour.

The College position is that there be no ‘walk back’ and this position is explained in writing to parents and boys before Graduation.

On behalf of the College I want to apologize to both the police who had to deal with these boys and to the people of the community who were affected by their anti-social behaviour. I appreciate the efforts by the police on Saturday night and regret that they were confronted with this situation.

Skidbladnir said :


No damage to buildings, no stolen public signage, people arrested without use of pepper spray and nobody charged, no incidents with Parliament House or Embassies, and being willingly dispersed in fifteen minutes without a barbeque?
Very disappointing indeed, boys. And poor form on the rock throwing at police.

(Things have really settled since my walkback…)

Obviously they walked back to the school – but I’ve never heard of a walkback. Is this a thing? What’s the point? After a very long walk you get to the school, and?

Roundhead89 said :

The Marist kids keeping up the school’s fine traditions. Brother Koska and Paul Lyons are looking down from above smiling.

I don’t think Kotska is dead.


Riot gear, batons, rubber bullets, tear gas. Now that would be an education.

johnboy said :

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

The “I am Spartacus” solution?

johnboy said :

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

I’m sorry, arresting them for what? Are you then in favour of arresting, for example, protestors at various anti-capitalist/globalisation riots? Guilt by association, yeah?

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :


Also, I’m sure the levels of non protected boy on boy bumming was massive that night.

Do I detect a healthy dose of homophobia there?

How about an enormous case of generalisation?

Roundhead89 said :

The Marist kids keeping up the school’s fine traditions. Brother Koska and Paul Lyons are looking down from above smiling.

What do those two scumbags have to do with a mob of kids going off the rails today?

Robertson said :

The take-home message I get from this is that you can throw rocks at police cars and the police won’t charge you with anything.


Cool, you try it next time you see a cop car and see how you go.

Or you could use that dormant organ sitting in your headbone and realise someone throwing rocks from within a large group probably couldn’t be identified as the thrower. Maybe cops could forget about common proofs and just charge whoever, right?

arresting the whole damn lot of them would one supposes be too much to ask for.

The take-home message I get from this is that you can throw rocks at police cars and the police won’t charge you with anything.


ScienceRules8:03 am 02 Dec 13

You just can’t beat a classical, private education. Can you?

The Marist kids keeping up the school’s fine traditions. Brother Koska and Paul Lyons are looking down from above smiling.

MrPC said :

I’d abuse you too if you used the word intermittingly in a sentence.

For some reason the scene from Life Of Brian, where the Roman officer corrects Brian’s graffiti, comes to mind…


See, a Catholic education is a good education…………

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd10:04 pm 01 Dec 13


Also, I’m sure the levels of non protected boy on boy bumming was massive that night.

I’d abuse you too if you used the word intermittingly in a sentence.


No damage to buildings, no stolen public signage, people arrested without use of pepper spray and nobody charged, no incidents with Parliament House or Embassies, and being willingly dispersed in fifteen minutes without a barbeque?
Very disappointing indeed, boys. And poor form on the rock throwing at police.

(Things have really settled since my walkback…)

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